Page 68 - SGK TA6 TAP 1 SHS
P. 68

review 2              (UNiTs 4 - 5 - 6)

          LaNgUage                                           Grammar
         Pronunciation                                       5  Rewrite the sentences, using the comparative
                                                                 or  superlative  of  the  adjectives  in 2  above,
         1  Read these tongue twisters.                          without changing the meaning.
         1.  A cheap ship trip.                              1.  Sweden is much colder than Viet Nam.
         2.  Mr Tongue Twister will list the best forests to visit.     → Viet Nam is ________________.
         3.  We surely shall see the sun shine soon.         2.  The Andes is longer than all the other mountain
                                                                 ranges in the world.
         Vocabulary                                              → The Andes is the ________________.

         2  Find in the box the opposites of the words.      3.  A motorbike is often cheaper than a car.
             Write them in the spaces provided.                  → A car is often ________________.
         1.  big       __________                            4.  Hoi An is quieter than Ho Chi Minh City.
                                                                 → Ho Chi Minh City is ________________.
         2.  quiet     __________      short                   5.  The air in the countryside is often cleaner than
         3.  expensive  __________     unimportant               that in the city.
         4.  high      __________      noisy                     → The air in the city is often _______________.
         5.  happy     __________      cheap                 6.  Ba Be Lake is bigger than all the other natural
         6.  cold      __________      marvelous                 lakes in Viet Nam.
         7.  important  __________     small    boring           → Ba Be Lake is the _____________.
         8.  long      __________      clean    hot          6  These are some tips from
         9.  polluted  __________      exciting                  CEOP, Child Exploitation and
         10. interesting __________                              Online Protection Centre,
         3  Choose  the  correct  word  for  each  of  the       a UK police agency (www.
                                                       , about Internet safety.
             definitions.                                        Choose should or shouldn’t to complete the
         1.  An area of approximately square-shaped land         sentences.
             in a city or a town, often including the buildings   When you’re going online, creating your webpage,
             that surround it. square/supermarket            or chatting with someone on the Internet…
         2.  The first person visiting your house at Tet.                •  You (1) should/shouldn’t remember that people
             relative/first footer                               you don’t know are strangers. You (2) should/
         3.  Water, especially from a river or stream,           shouldn’t remember that not everyone is who
             dropping from a higher to a lower point,            they say they are.
             sometimes from a great height. waterfall/lake   •  You (3) should/shouldn’t keep your personal
         4.  A building, or a room in a building, where you      information private. You (4) should/shouldn’t
             can buy goods or get services. school/shop          give away your secrets, like where you live or
         5.  A building where objects of historical, scientific   the school you go to…
             or artistic interest are kept. theatre/museum    •  You (5) should/shouldn’t be nice to each other
         6.  An area, often covered with sand or rocks,          online.
             where there is very little rain and not many    •  If you feel worried about something happening
                                                                 online, you (6) should/shouldn’t tell an adult you
             plants. desert/rocks                                trust.
         7.  To hope or express hope for another person’s    7  Complete the text with will/won’t.
             success or happiness or pleasure on a particular
             occasion. wish/greet                            This  year  we  (1.  be)  ________  at  home  for  the
         8.  Children often receive it in red envelopes at Tet.   New  Year.  It  (2.  be)  ________  different!  We
                                                             (3.  celebrate)  ________  Tet  in  Singapore,  where
             lucky money/new clothes                         we  (4.  spend)  ________  three  days  in  the  city
         9.  A raised part of the Earth’s surface, much larger   and  two  days  in  Sentosa.  Mum  says  we  (5.  visit)
             than a hill. forest/mountain                    ________ Universal Studios, and have a Night Safari
         4  Write the words in bold from 3 in the correct    at  the  zoo.  Do  you  know  what  it  is?  We  (6.  take)
             group.                                          ________  a tram ride and see the tigers and lions
                                                             right beside us! We (7. go) ________ to Chinatown
         1.  Places in a village, city or town: _____________  to  see  how  the  Chinese  there  celebrate  the  New
         2.  Natural wonders: _________________________      Year. We (8. cook) ________ banh chung this year -
                                                             I  (9.  miss)  ________  it,  but  I’m  sure  we  (10.  have)
         3.  New Year festivals: ________________________    ________ lots of fun!

          68  Review 2                                                                                                                                                                                            Review 2     69
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