Page 144 - Oxford Grammar for Schools 2 Student Book_Neat (1) (1)
P. 144

Irregular verb list

        Base form            Past simple                                     Base form             Past simple
        be                   was                                             sleep                 slept
        become               became                                          speak                 spoke
        begin                 began                                          spend                 spent
        break                 broke                                          stand                 stood
        bring                brought                                         swim                  swam
        build                built                                           teach                 taught
        buy                  bought                                          take                  took
        can                  could                                           tell                  told
        catch                caught                                          think                 thought

        come                 came                                            understand            understood
        cost                 cost                                            wake                  woke
        do                   did                                             wear                  wore
        drink                drank                                           win                   won
        drive                drove                                           write                 wrote
        eat                  ate
        fall                 fell
        feel                 felt
        find                 found
        fly                  flew
        forget               forgot

        get                  got
        give                 gave
        go                   went
        have                 had
        hear                 heard
        know                 knew
        leave                left
        lose                 lost
        make                 made
        meet                  met
        pay                  paid

        put                  put
        read                 read

        run                  ran
       say                   said
       see                   saw
       send                  sent
       sing                  sang
       sit                   sat

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