Page 15 - Oxford Grammar for Schools 2 Student Book_Neat (1) (1)
P. 15

Some and any

                                      Negative                                                         Questions

                Countable nouns                 Uncountable nouns                   Countable nouns             Uncountable nouns
           There aren't any apples.          There isn't any lemonade.          Are there any oranges? Isthere any cheese?
           There aren't any bananas. There isn't any sugar.                     Are there any biscuits?        Isthere any ice cream?
           There aren't any people.          There isn't any money.             Are there any children? Isthere any water?

           In negative sentences and in questions, we use any before plural countable nouns and
           uncountable nouns.

                                                      ©                      *
        *8 O3.3 Listen, read and repeat.                                       1C Write some or any.       O

              Emma      Is there any lemonade?                                     ÿ  There's some        money on the table.
              Dad       No,sorry, there isn't any lemonade.                        1 Is there _            soup?
                        There's some water.                                        2 There aren't         _     sweets.
              Emma      Are there any crisps?                                      3 There are    _          little cakes.

              Dad       No,sorry, there aren't any crisps.                         4 Are there   _           eggs?
              Emma      Oh. Are there any sandwiches?                              5 There isn't  _           meat.
              Dad       Yes, there are.There are some                              6 Isthere   _           pasta?
                        sandwiches and some apples.                                7 There are             _  bananas.

                                                                                   8 There's  _           sauce.

                                                                               11 O 3.4 Complete the dialogues. Listen and               ©

                                                                                   ÿ  Jane Are there     any biscuits_ ? (biscuits ?)
                                                                                      Ben    No,there aren't any biscuits .(biscuits X)
                               \//.                                                                                    _
                                                                                             There are some crisps                  .(crisps S)
                                                                                   1 Jane Is_ ? (ice cream?)
                                                                                      Ben    No,                                .(icecream/)
                                                                                             There                             .. (yoghurt S)

        *9 Listen and read exercise 8 again.Tick %/ the                            2 Jane Are                                  _? (oranges ?)
              things in the basket.                                                   Ben    No,                                  (oranges X)
                                                                                             There                               (bananas S)

                        lemonade                                                   3 Jane Is_                               .? (orangejuice ?)

                        Water                                                         Ben    No,                            .. (orangejuice X)
                        crisps                                                               There                                    .(tea S)
                        sandwiches                                                            Work in pairs.Write some dialogues
                                                                                              like the ones in exercise 11,then
                                                                                              act them.

                                                                                   1 sweets ?       sweets x         chocolate »/
                                                                                   2 potatoes ? potatoes X           pasta  y
                                                                                   3 cheese?        cheese X         milk ÿ
                                                                                   4 pears?         pears X          grapes «/

                                                                                                                                  Unit 3    15
   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20