Page 86 - Oxford Grammar for Schools 2 Student Book_Neat (1) (1)
P. 86

*  ÿ            Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about the prices of the things below.

                crisps 80p                          milk £1.50                                                               apple juice
                                  lemonade                            bananas                                sweets

                                    £2.00          (                 60p each          \                   20p each

                                  ÿ  t\oW mucin are fine crisps?        J   (ÿ80 p. hoW mucin is fine IemonaAe?

        £  4 Complete the dialogues with much or many.                O
                  (  how mucin money has/e you oof?                                ÿ  (ÿhow              are fine peni?

                                                Nof mucin. Softy, j                                               They're
                                                ———              vs:                                                        ¿T3.50ÿJ

                   how             clneese is flnere in fine -fridge?                    hoW   _        sugar have We gof?


                    how    _        people Were afflne corcerf?                    8     how   _         girls ore in your cioss?


              ÿ                                                                    9
                  \ÿ\foW            ice cream is flnere?                                                 is finis book?

                                    pinofos   ¿i¿  you fake?                      10     how   _         apples' are flnere?


                     how             books are in your bag?

        85             O 18.1 Listen and check your answers to exercise 4. Practise the dialogues in pairs.                     O

       86     Question words: How much, how many
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