Page 108 - Family and Friends 4 Class Book full_Neat
P. 108
I Describe whot is hoppening in the picture.
2 Listen ond reod the poem.@ rc',
iE#stl I I
ffi ?gtntiV0.i 1reXi I l
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:tttl.rffe:,'" C0&1I,9 l!
We're gettrng ready
Por a reolly special day.
iiaffilfl 4s, ore,,' aitiving
is where they'[[ stay.
But our house is quite small,
So it wilt be quite a squeeze.
',,,,,,,,,',, There|ll'.be. eight,,,[rou'ttd,,,the': table;
Sixteen elbows, arms and lcnees!
1ffid*Sifi,Bill's,,a,,,,ioddl .,,,',,,,'1,,.,,r,,,,,, There1ll,b,-e ewgues.,,fui;:ttri:.tatniOom:,{
:rtlirt{tf 1iks,tG,scr:e&m'and shout r,,.,:,r',.,r,:,,tr,,,,,therCllltlbti:tit{*Srr.,ihae.i.,ma,,tAqir. ,
'.lilA{*.lih8a$ karning to be good", Ai..*rt,Ail.:tika::.to1::*!*,,:.,1.,.,...,.,1,:lli.1.11llit,i; IE
.1.ti$na:Ih gaing to help him : fteiait:t6,,ian&t*.:.$nd.:ii"*t6 ,l
i;:;il:P0,i:qil the things he should. Fo? the ffi*tg,.tof,.aii idAik;;:.t.;,.,tttt,tt,,t.
sleep in rny roorn :
:': ii:I*ii}ri . r.i *1I -I t-- ia. ,i,. , rtati r . t ..r
.,rl&te'wtlt And when they'ai{,$i,t.tA* t;,',..,t
:::ltll.rlh cnryip flrchinr,rc nlt .t'hi, flnnr r 1-*^-., +L--,rrr ;;i.,ri*:,;r:;.::,rr.:::ir::i,rr::,:i:::
,:rir$n some cushions on the floor, I know they'tl stay iniiiiriih1;1.1,1llt.ttl1
'.,Aunt and Uncle in the lounge, But the house will be sc q*iatt.l:l1tll
On a cqmp bedby the door. And I,ll miss them all so much!
Underline these words in the text. Guess their meonings ond
then check them in the Workbook 4 Dictionorg.
4 Reod ogoin ond write short onswers.
L How Long wit[ the reLotives stog? A week. 2 Is it o big house?
3 Whot does everuone Like doing? 4 Is BiLL oLwogs good?
5 How wiLL the house be ofter the visit?
Unit l4 Words in context: 'My relotives ore comingl' Reoding: o poem