Page 42 - Family and Friends 4 Class Book full_Neat
P. 42
Lersom F6we
1 Hove gou seen ong shodow puppet theotre?
2 Listen ond reod . @ ,,
Shodow puppet theotres first storted in The theotre is dork ond o bright light shines
Chino thousonds of geors ogo. But shodow on the puppets to moke shodows on o screen
puppet theotre is still populor todog in mong behind them. The puppeteer does oll the
ports of the world. Shodow puppets tell voices. And sometimes there ore other people
people obout importont events ond describe singing or ploging instruments.
troditionol stories. Nowodogs there ore some
new ond modern stories, too.
Hond shodows
You con do shodow theotre of home'
,ting gour hondsl You will need o white
woll ond o bright light'
To mqke o growling tiger:
- Moke o 'C;shope witt'l gour left hond'
- Put gour right hond on toP of gour 6onO, irith gout fingers on the bock
of gour hond.
- Lift-up gour right thumb o little for
The puppets ore usuollg mode from onimol the tiger's eor.
skins. These shodow puppets ore comel skin - Don't forget to moke the
ond theg come from Indonesio. Often there tiger's mouth move bg
is just one puppeteer who mokes the puppets mlving the fingers ond
left hond'
move. To move the puppets there ore wooden thumbon Uour
sticks on the puppets' bocks.
3 underline these words in the text. Guess their meonings ond
then check them in the Workbook 4 DictionorU.
4 Reod ogoin ond write f (true) or F (
L Shodow puppet theotre storted in Turkeg.
2 The theotre shows ore oLwogs obout old stories.
3 The puppets ore usuoLLg mode from plostic.
4 You con moke shodows in o dork room with o strong Light.
5 You con moke o tiger's mouth move.
40 i".jnit 5 Werds in eonfext: shadclw puppef5 |?eoding; sn inf{rrrnctive webpcge