Page 51 - Family and Friends 4 Class Book full_Neat
P. 51
Kevrew C
Reod ond write f (true) or F (fol"se).
L The pinkflowers ore the Leost beoutifuL. __I
2 The red flowers ore the most expensive.
3 The purple flowers ore the cheopest.
4 The purple flowers ore more expensive thon
the gellow ond white ones.
5 The gellow ond whiteflowers ore Less beoutifuL
thon the pink ones.
5 Write. hers theirs mine Utotrs ours his
WeLL done! We didn't order it. Look of this new
This is *U_o*!,iIs . Perhops it's computer. It's
I think it's I think these ore mU This is Uour rocket.
brother's. Yes, the g're But where's
6 Write the words under the correct heoding.
p.en€i[ gogurt oronge gloves picnic cucumber bodge police
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