Page 65 - Family and Friends 4 Class Book full_Neat
P. 65
1 Listen ond write L (Lucos), N (Nodo) or R (Ronng).@ uo
Listen ogoin ond circle.
L How did Lucos get to the beoch? bg cor / bg troin / bg plone
2 How Long wos his journeg? two hours / Jour hours / five hours
3 How monU cousins hos Nodo got? two /six / eight
4 Whot wos Ronng's fovourite dog? the zoo the sports gome oboottrip
3 Rsk ond onswer.
1- Did Uou go on holidog Lost summer? 2 Where did gou go?
3 How did gou trovel there? 4 Whot did gou do?
5 Whot wos the weother Like? 5 Did gou eot onU specioLfood?
O Put the stomp ot the top, on the right.
O Write the nome first.
O Write the house or flot number, then the rood. O Horry fones
036 Cherrg Tree Rood
6 Write the town.
@ London
O FinoLLg, write the postcode of the end. Osw: syH
4 Reod ond circ[e.
L The stomp goes on the f"ft /@ 2 The town goes before / ofter the rood.
3 The house number goes before / ofi,er 4 The postcode goes of the top end.
Listening, speoking, writing