Page 75 - Family and Friends 4 Class Book full_Neat
P. 75

Describe whot is hoppening in the pictures.


          A vogage to Lilliput

          Mg nome is Gulliver qnd      when I wqs    q  Uoung   mqn, I went trovelling.  I joined  o ship ond
          soiled to the islqnds of the South Pocific. It wqs  q     brilliqnt voucrge ot first. \7e soiled  qcross
          the Atlqntic Oceqn  qnd    the Indiqn Oceqn. But one dog there wGS  q        terrible storm  qnd  I fell
          into the wqter. Finollg I swqm to     qn  islond. I wqlked on the beqch  qnd       looked oround me.
          There were no people qnd       no houses, I wcrs veru tired, so I fell osleep on the sqnd.

          \7hen I woke up in the morning, I couldn't move. I wqs lging on mU bqck ond mg qrms
          ond mg legs were tied to the ground. I wqs verg hot in the sun           qnd  I wqs frightened.
          Suddenlg I sqw  q    veru smoll mon. He wqs obout 15cm toll  qnd          he wqs wolking on mg leg!
          Then I sqw lots of smqll men on mu qrms          ond mg legs. I shouted ond, in surprise, the men
          fell off mg bodg. Then I spoke to them in English. Theg didn't understo.nd  mU longuoge,
          but theg scrw thqt I wos friendlg.
          I pointed qt   mU mouth to show I wqs hungrg ond theg brought me some food. Their food
          wcls normol,  but it wqs veru, veru smqll. I  qte    lots of ting looves of breqd  qnd    lots of ting
          pieces of cheese o.nd  q lot of meot. I finished mg meol  qnd       then hundreds  of men  qnd
          thousqnds  of horses corried me to their citg. It wcrs  q     verg long journeg.
          $flhen I orrived ot the citg, I looked  qround     me. The

          houses were smqller thqn mg feet ond I wos bigger
          thon the trees. The king  qnd    the people were kind to

          me, so I stoged on the islqnd. I leornt thot I wqs in
          Lilliput ond I leornt their longuoge. I ploged with their
          children  qnd  I gqve them presents such os mg wotch
          qnd  some coins. These things were enormous for them.
          Eventuollg, I left the citg ond trqvelled ogoin.

           Reod ogoin ond put the sentences in the correct order.

           o He went to on islond.      !          b He hod somefood         f]
           c He went on o ship       D             d He went to o citg.     [-l

           e He  feLL  in the r.o.  !             I   He sow some Little ,.n.      !

        4 Ask ond onswer.

           1 Did gou enjog the storg? whg? 2 wouLd gou Like to trovel bg ship? whg?

                                                                                 Extensiye  reoding: Gulliver's trovels  73
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