Page 86 - Family and Friends 4 Class Book full_Neat
P. 86
t Leison', Five
I Look of the photogrophs. Whot wos The Amozing Escape?
2 Listen ond reod . @ ,n
The Amcrzing Esccrpe But ss the ice melted, the ship storted to
breok. The crew left the ship ond comped on
the frozen oceoq. Eventuollg the Endurance
sonk. After month. of living on the broken ice,
the men could soil to"lond in their lifeboqts.
lfheg londed on.El'6phont Islond in April 1915.
Shockleton decided to find help. He mqde
one of the most dcngerous journegs ever,
when he tried to return to the islqnd of South
Georqio. He ond five other men survived'
storms ond wqves of 16 metres in one lifeboot.
On londing, Shockleton ond two men hod
to clirnb for 36 hours to find help. It took o
Ernest Shockleton wos o fqrnous explorer. further three- ulonths to rescue Shqckleton's
He wqnted to explore Antorctico ond, in me-n from Elephont Islond, but qmozinglg oll
August L914, he left Englond. His crew of 22 men survived.
28 men-soiled on the ship tlire Endurance to
the South Atlontic Oceon qnd then towqrds
Almost one dog's journeg from their
destinqtion the ship stopped becouse of the
thick ice. So, the crew hod to wqit on the ship
for the ice to melt.
3 Underline these words in the text. Guess their meonings ond
then check them in the Workbook 4 Dictionorg.
4 Reod ogoin ond put the sentences in the correct order.
o Most of the crew stoged on Etephont Islond D
b The Endurance lefi Engtond. E
c The ship cou[dn't move in the ice ond loter sonk. [_l
d ALL the men from ELephont Istond were rescued. [_-l
e ShockLeton ond five men went to South Georgio. [_l
8* Unit II Words in context: The Amozing Escope Reoding: on occount