Page 11 - (1)_Neat
P. 11

Skills          Skills


                   3  Listen to Lucy talking about the local history club and complete the sentences.
                        1  The club meets on ............................................................................................................................ .
                        2  Last week, they were at the ......................................................................................................... .
                        3  Lucy talked to her ........................................................................................................................... .
                        4  His father’s ................................................... was in the same ................................................... .
                        5  He talked to her about the shops that were there ....................................... years ago.

                        6  Lucy’s friend visited the local .................................................................................................... .
                        7  He read some .................................................................................................................................. .
                        8  They want to put up an exhibition in the ................................................................................. .


                    2  Read these adverts for after-school clubs and write the name of the correct club.
                       Choose from the list below.

                   1  a) Martial Arts club          b) Volunteer club       c) Environmental club
                       d) Real World Experience     e) Drum club            f) Nature club

                    This year, we trained three      This was a very interesting year   We started this year with five
                    times a week.                    for us. We worked with re-using   members, but now we have
                    Our club entered a competition   old things and it was great fun!   twenty-two! Why is our club so
                    last month and two members       We produced birthday cards     popular? Because you can make
                    won prizes. Karate and Judo      from old magazines, cut up     a lot of noise and exercise at
                    are our most popular sports      old clothes to make bags and   the same time! Did you see us
                    and, last year, three members   created Christmas decorations   last summer at the ‘Party in the
                    earned green belts and          and gifts from things we usually   Park’? We practised a lot before
                                                                                    we played that but we enjoyed
                    one a brown belt. Why not       throw away. It was a great way   it – and everyone danced! Don’t
                    come along? We meet every       to save money and help protect   join one of those clubs where
                    Wednesday at 4.30 pm in the     the environment! We meet every   you sit around talking, do
                    school gym – it’s fun!          Monday at 4.15 in the Art Room   something!
                                                    – come and see us!
                                                                                    We meet every Tuesday at 5 pm
                                                                                    in the Music Room – come and
                      1 ..............................................              make some noise with us!
                                                    2 ...................................................

                       Writing                                                      3 ......................................................

                   5  Write about things you enjoy doing and clubs you are a member of.



                                                                                                         UNIT 1      9
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