Page 60 - (1)_Neat
P. 60
Learning to learn (Units 7 and 8) Exam skills
Writing a note or a letter
1 Read the task below and the notes. Which note is the best? Why? What are the mistakes
and what is missing in the other texts?
Your friend, James, from London is arriving where you live next week but you can't go to the
airport to meet him. Write an email to a friend and ask them to meet James for you.
Answer 1 Answer 2
Email Message Email Message
From: From:
Dear Laura, Dear Brenda,
Can you to go to the airport on Monday and meeting Can you go to the airport next Monday at 14.30
my friend James? Please, he arriving at 14.30 from and meet my friend James, please? He arrives When we think about sports, most of us think about football,
London. He’s fair hair and nice. Please tell me, OK? from London on fl ight AL334. He’s tall and has got
Love, fair hair. Oh, he wears glasses too! basketball or athletics. But for some people sport means
Sandra Thanks a lot! something much more dangerous! More and more people
Love, practise ’dangerous’ or ’extreme’ sports. Why? Because
they love the excitement they get from the danger. How
Answer 3 many of these sports would you try?
Email Message
2 Answer the email saying if you can or
cannot go to the airport. BUNGEE JUMPING
From: This is when you jump off a high structure like a building
or a bridge with a long piece of strong elastic tied to your
Dear Harry, _____________________________________
My friend is arriving next week from London but I ankles. Bungee Jumping became popular after A.J.Hackett
can’t meet him. Can you go to the airport please? _____________________________________ jumped off the Eiffel Tower in Paris! However, on Pentecost
He is arriving on Alitalia fl ight AL334 from London at _____________________________________ Island bungee jumping is something young men still do to
14.30. His name is James and he is tall and has got _____________________________________ show they are adults. They jump off a 25 metre tower with
fair hair and glasses. a kind of stiff rope or vine from the liana plant tied around
Please answer this email and tell me if you can go _____________________________________
or not, OK? Thanks. _____________________________________ their feet. Ouch!
Best wishes,
Mike _____________________________________ SNOWBOARDING
_____________________________________ The fi rst snowboards were made of wood. In 1965 Sherman
_____________________________________ Poppen tied two skiis together to make a toy for his
_____________________________________ daughter and called it a ’snurfer’. These became popular
and led to various developments of the idea until the
modern, offi cial version of the snowboard appeared around
1980. Snowboarders often take huge risks, trying virtually
impossible jumps and tricks, and going down vertical,
rocky mountain sides despite dangers such as injury and
58 UNIT 8