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Learning to learn (Units 9 and 10) Exam skills
Cross-curricular learning
Studying other subjects in English like History and Art can be an interesting way to learn.
• You learn English as well as other interesting facts.
• You also learn specific words and expressions linked to those subjects.
1 Choose a topic from a subject you want to learn about in English and copy and complete
the table below.
Subject: History
Topic: Ancient Egypt
What are you going to find out about?: fashion – what did people wear? River Nile – how
important was that river? Tombs – what happened to people after they died?
How are you going to find out?: the Internet and the library
2 Draw a diagram like the one below and complete it with the information you have. Write
notes not full sentences.
· men/women – make-up – kohl/ochre
Fashion · rich people – wigs – real hair – gold jewellery
– found in tombs and paintings
· river Nile – water, transportation.
· no rain.
Ancient Egypt River Nile · floods.
· built sluices and dams.
· shadoof (a device with a bucket) – built to lift water to higher fields.
· believed in life after death, many gods, Ra.
· rich people – huge tombs – buried with possessions.
Tombs · kings – pyramids.
· poor – simple underground tombs.
3 Read the full version of the notes from the previous exercise.
ANCIENT Fashion – Men and women in ancient Egypt wore make-up. They made it out of
natural colours such as kohl (black) and ochre (red) mixed. Rich people also wore wigs
EGYPT made from real hair. We know that ancient Egyptians wore gold jewellery because
many of the tombs contain jewellery and we can see it in ancient Egyptian paintings.
River Nile – Egypt was dependent on the River Nile for water and to transport food
and other goods from one place to another. The Egyptians were very clever and
developed ways of controlling the river to water their fields. This was really important
as there was no rain so all the water had to come from the river and the annual floods.
They built dams and sluices and ’shadoof’ for moving water to higher fields.
Tombs – In ancient Egypt people believed that there was another life after death.
They had many gods, such as Ra, who they worshipped. Rich people paid to have
huge tombs built so that they could be buried with all their possessions. Kings had
tombs in pyramids. Poorer people had simple underground tombs.
4 Write a summary of your research. Divide it into paragraphs, give it a title and find a
picture for each paragraph.
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