Page 63 - mindset for ielts 3_Neat 1
P. 63

Look again at the two maps    ·
                                           .  a
                                                         � ll
                                              � g n
                                            c  e o se the  o owing features as either
                     industria l  esidentia l  com  merCJa or recreationa .
                              r '
                     Example:  blocks of flats - residential                             In the main body of your answer, you
                    children's play area                                                 will get more marks if you summarise
                    Bayley Mansions                                                      the  information  in the map rather than
                    cafe                                    Bayley Street Park           listing all the changes. Try to group
                                                           shops                         details together under main headings;
                    terraced houses
                                                           wasteland                     for example, a swimming pool, cinema
                    railway line                                                         and bowling alley are all 'recreational
                    Look at the two maps and make notes on how the area changed:
                    • residentially        • industrially
                    • commercially
                                           • recreationally

                                                        The maps depict an area of the town of Poulton in the years 1900 and
                                                        1935 and the urban developments that took place. (1) Overall/ In
           fQJz  Re d � samp e answer for the           summary, there were a number of notable changes to the buildings
                  question Choose the best              and amenities of this area.
                 discourse markers.
                                                        In 1900, this area had a combination of residentiat and industrial
                                                        features, but by 1935 the industrial features had largely disappeared.
                                                        (2) When I Whereas in 1900 a railway line ran through the
                                                        neighbourhood, by 1935 this had been removed. {3) Furthermore/
                                                        Nevertheless, the terraced houses which used to dominate the 1900
                  Use a wide range of discourse
                                                        map had been replaced by blocks of flats by 1935, and the areas of
                 markers to illustrate for the reader
                                                        wasteland had gone.
                 the points you are making; for
                 example, adding a similar point,       (4) Another major change to the area/ One thing they did in 1935
                 contrasting or summarising.            was the development of more commercial and recreational features.
                                                        The demolition of a second row of houses on Bayley Street and the
                                                        removal of the railway line made room for a spacious park and
                                                        children's play area. (5) On the commercial side I Thinking
                                                        commercially, to the right of the park some new shops were built on
                                                        the aptly named New Lane, replacing the small shop of 1900, and the
                                                        cafe and laundry were relocated and expanded.
                                                        (6) To sum up/ At last, the area was renovated extensively, seeing
                                                        fundamental changes to its residential accommodation, and its
                                                        commercial and recreational facilities were developed.

                                                                                               UNIT 03 / WRITING
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