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P. 102

Word List

                       r  appreciate [aprt :J1eit]  v.
                          To appreciate something is to understand its good qualities.
                           -♦I can appreciate the lovely scenery.

                       r  available  [aveilabal]  adj.
                           If something is available, it means you can get it.
                           -» There were many seats available in the room.

                       r  beat ibk*

                           To beat someone means to do better than they do.
                           -»I managed to beat everyone in the race.

                       r  bright  [brait]  adj.
                           If something is bright, it shows a lot of light.
                           -» The bright light from the explosion hurt my eyes.

                       r  celebrate  [selabreit]  v.
                           To celebrate is to do something to show that an event is special.

                           -►We all celebrated when we heard the great news.
                       r  determine  [dita:rmin]  v.
                           To determine means to choose or make a decision.
                           -» He tried to determine which one to eat first.

                       c  disappear [disapfar]  v.
                           To disappear means to go away or not be seen.
                           -* The top of the building is disappearing in the clouds.

                       r  else  [els]  adj.
                           If you talk about something else, you talk about something different.

                           ->/ wanted a bike for my birthday, but I got something else.

                       r  fair [fear]  adj.
                           Fair describes treating someone in a way that is reasonable or right.

                           -»■He sold me his car for a fair price.
                       r flow  [fioui  v.
                           To flow is to move easily and continuously in one direction.
                           -*■The water flowed over the rocks and into the lake.
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