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P. 108
Word List
r argue [drgju:] V.
To argue is to angrily speak to someone because you do not agree.
-*■l/l/e argued about where to go for dinner.
r communicate [kamu:nakeit] v
To communicate is to give information by talking, writing, etc.
-»I communicated with Paul about his new ideas.
r crowd [kraud] n.
A crowd is a large group of people.
-»A large crowd had gathered on the street to see the accident.
r depend Idipend] v.
To depend on someone or something is to need them.
-*•Children depend on their parents for many things.
r dish [dij] n.
A dish is a plate.
-* She put a clean white dish on the table.
r empty [empti] adj.
If something is empty, it does not have anything in it.
-»My gas tank was almost empty, so I couldn’t drive my car very long.
r e x a c t [igzaekt] adj.
If something is exact, it is just the right amount.
-»Please use the exact amount of sugar for the cake.
r fresh m ad
If something is fresh, it is new.
-* I just bought these oranges. They are very fresh.
r gather [g*6ar] v.
To gather is to collect several things usually from different places.
-»Sam gathered some flowers for his mother.
r indicate [indikeit] v.
To indicate means to show, point or make something clear.
-* He pointed to his eyes to indicate where he had hurt himself.