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r  alive  [alaiv]  adj.
                            If someone or something is alive, they are not dead.
                            -*■My grandparents are still alive even though they are over 90.

                        r  bone  [boun]  n.
                            A bone is a hard part of the body.
                            ->I brought home a nice bone for my dog.

                        r  bother [bddax]  v.
                            To bother is to make  the effort to do something.
                            -* No one bothered to wash the dishes today.

                        r  captain  [kseptin]  n.
                            A captain is the person who leads a ship or airplane.
                            -» The captain sailed his ship to Australia.

                         r  conclusion  [kanklu:3art]  n.
                            The conclusion of something is the final part of it.

                            -*•At the conclusion of the race, the spectators cheered for the winner.

                         r  doubt [daut]  n.
                            Doubt is a feeling of not being sure.
                            -♦I have doubt that the story is true.

                         r  explore  [ikspl5:rl  v.
                            To explore is to look for new places.
                            -* He wants to explore the world and see new things.

                         r  foreign  [fo(:)rin]  adj.
                            If something is foreign, it is from a different country.
                            — Mexican food is a popular foreign food.

                         r  glad  [glsed]  adj.
                            If you are glad, you are happy.
                            -* I am glad you came to my party.

                         r  however [hauevar]  adv.
                            However means despite or not being influenced by something.

                            -*■She is a great cook. However, she never had professional lessons.

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