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P. 157
c neither [nhdar] adv.
You use neither to connect two negative statements.
->Neither the pass on the left nor the pass on the right will lead us home.
r otherwise [Adarwaiz] adv.
Otherwise means different or in another way.
-*It’s good to stay active; otherwise, you’ll gain weight.
r physical [fizikal] adj.
If something is physical, it is related to your body and not your mind.
-+Biking is good for your physical health.
r prove ipmv] v.
To prove something is to show that it is true.
->My teacher proved the answer on the board.
r react [rtaekt] V.
To react is to act in a certain way because of something that happened.
-*•James reacted badly to the news.
r ride [raid] v.
To ride something is to travel on it. You can ride an animal, a bike, etc.
-»I will ride a roller-coaster for the first time today.
r situated [si'tjueitid] adj.
If something is situated somewhere, it is in that place.
->The white board is situated between the two men.
c society [sasaiati] n.
Society is people and the way that they live.
-♦Society expects people to be good and honest.
r standard [staenda:rd] n.
A standard is what people consider normal or good.
-* This older model TV is below our store’s standards.
r suggest [safest] v.
To suggest something means to give an idea or plan about it.
-►He suggested that we go to see his boss.