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c hunger [hAngar] n.
Hunger is the feeling that you get when you need to eat.
-*•After playing all day long, he was filled with hunger.
r imagine [imaed3in] v.
To imagine something is to think of it in your mind.
-* Sally imagined herself winning lots of money.
c journey n.
A journey is a long trip.
-* I went on a journey across the country with my parents.
r puzzle [pAzi] n.
A puzzle is something that is hard to understand.
-+The question was a puzzle to him.
r quite [kwait] adv.
Quite is used to say that something is complete or very much.
-*■I think typing on a keyboard is quite easy.
r rather [rse5a:r] adv.
Rather is used when you want to do one thing but not the other.
-* I would rather have the red one than the blue one.
r specific [spisi'fik] adj.
If something is specific, it is precise or exact.
-*■Please choose a specific place on the map.
r tour [tua:r] n.
A tour is a short trip in which you see many sights.
-* I took a tour of Asia and Europe.
r trip [trip] n.
A trip is a journey to a certain place.
—•Ken took a trip to the city yesterday.
r value [vselju:] n.
If something has value, it is worth a lot of money.
Matthew found a treasure of very high value.