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r   novel [naval]  n.
                     A novel is a book that tells a story.
                     -» He wrote a great novel about ancient China.

                 r outline  [autlain]  n.
                     An outline is the plan for a story or essay.
                     ->Before I wrote my essay, I made an outline.

                  r poet  [pouit]  n.
                     A poet is a person who writes poems.
                     -» William Shakespeare was one of the greatest poets.

                  r  print  [print]  v.
                     To print something is to put it onto paper.
                     -»Make sure that you print your name clearly.

                  r  scene  isi-.n]  n.
                     A scene is one part of a book or movie.
                     -»A movie is made up of many short pieces or scenes.

                  r  sheet Eji:t] n.
                     A sheet is a thin flat piece of paper.
                     -* I only needed a single sheet of paper to do my homework.

                 r  silly [si'li]  adj.
                      If someone or something is silly, they show a lack of thought.
                     — / made a silly mistake of dropping mom’s vase.

                  r  store fetor] n
                     A store is a place where you can buy things.

                     -*■I picked up a few things at the grocery store.
                  r   suffer [sAfer]  v.
                      To suffer is to feel pain.
                      -* Her headache made her suffer all day.

                  r  technology [tekndlsdji]  n.
                      Technology is new things made by using science.
                      -*•He loves technology such as laptop computers.
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