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The focus of our sixth special feature
Around the world is on buildings.
The Great Wall of China. This amazing structure was built more than 2,200
The Seven Wonders of the Ancient
years ago. It was built to protect the Chinese Empire from enemies outside
World was a list of the most beautiful
the country. Originally, it was more than 20,000 km long.
and important buildings of 2,000 years
ago. Only one of these still exists
today – Egypt’s Great Pyramid of Giza.
Now there is a new list. 100 million
people around the world voted for the
most popular and important existing
buildings. Here is what they chose.
The Taj Mahal was built in the 17
Petra. This ancient city in Jordan century by the Indian emperor Shah
is more than 2,300 years old. It is Jahan in memory of his wife after
sometimes called the ‘Rose City’ she died. More than 20,000 people
because of the beautiful pink colour worked on the building, and it took
of its amazing buildings and statues more than 20 years to finish.
carved into the mountain rocks.
Christ the Redeemer. This statue is the
symbol of Rio de Janeiro, in Brazil. It is
30 metres tall, and stands on a mountain
looking over the city. It was finished in
1931. Visitors get to the statue by bus or
train, and see the amazing view.
Chichen Itza. This is one of the
Colosseum. This amphitheatre, largest Maya cities in Mexico. It
in Rome, Italy, is the largest in the is around 1,500 years old and
world, with seats for 80,000 people. includes pyramids and temples.
It is nearly 2,000 years old.
Over to you!
Machu Picchu. This is an ancient Inca
Choose one of the
city. It was built 600 years ago at the top MORE! Online Action Box
buildings. Do some
of a very tall mountain (2,430 metres) in
research on the Listening and Quiz online.
Peru. The original people left the city, but Write a text for the MORE! Online
no one knows why. For many hundreds internet and write a journal. Put it online for students
of years it was empty. It was discovered factfile about it. from other countries to read.
again in 1911.
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