Page 16 - Complete IELTS Bands 5 - 6.5_Neat
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Cambridge University Press
978-0-521-17948-5 – Complete IELTS Bands 5-6.5
Guy Brook-Hart and Vanessa Jakeman
More information
Writing Task 1 2 Work in pairs. Look at this introductory sentence
to a summary of the information in the line graph
Exam information (A) in Exercise 1 and answer the questions below.
• You write a summary of information from one or The graph shows the changes in the number
more graphs, tables, charts or diagrams. of people from abroad who visited Townsville,
• You must also compare some of the information Queensland, over a four-year period.
and write an overview. Which word(s) …
• You must write at least 150 words in about 20 1 say how the information is shown?
minutes. 2 explain the purpose of the graph using the
writer’s own words?
1 Work in pairs. Look at the different ways of 3 express the time period the information covers?
showing information (A–E) and match them with
their names (1–5). 3 Write introductory sentences for the pie chart (B)
and the bar chart (C) by putting these phrases in
1 pie chart B 2 diagram 3 bar chart the correct order.
4 line graph 5 table
B and the languages / in Winchester, California, /
A The chart shows / the number of households /
Overseas visitors
to Townsville, Queensland which people speak there
B C according to age / how the problems vary /
100,000 Language spoken at home –
Winchester, California
90,000 by number of households into a new country and / The chart shows /
80,000 the diffi culties people have / when they
35 16
60,000 integrate
40,000 4 Work in pairs. Write your own introductory
30,000 sentences for the diagram (D) and the table (E).
10,000 English 5 Work in pairs. Look at this Writing task and
0 927
Spanish answer questions 1–3 on the opposite page.
other European
The chart below shows information about the
C Integration problems languages problems people have when they go to live in
for people living abroad (%)
60 other countries.
50 D Summarise the information by selecting
40 Possible wave-energy machine and reporting the main features, and make
30 for generating electricity comparisons where relevant.
Air back in Air out
10 Integration problems for people living abroad (%)
0 60%
people aged people aged people over
18–34 35–54 55 Turbine making
Generator friends
making finding learning the 50%
friends somewhere to live local language
40% somewhere
to live
Wave 30%
direction learning
the local
20% language
Broadlands Language School
number of average number of weeks
students spent at college per student 0%
people aged people aged people over
July 236 3 18–34 35–54 55
August 315 4 Based on information from HSBC Bank
International Expat Explorer Survey 08
September 136 6
14 Unit 1
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