Page 25 - Big4 Tieng Anh 7 - Tap 2_Neat
P. 25

XII  Now  based  on  the  notes  above,  make  a  mini-presentation  to  the  class  about  these

                      You should base on the suggestions below:
                      1.What country does it belong to?
                      2.When is the festival held?
                      3.What do people do there?

                      4.Is there anything special about that?

               E. LISTENING

                XIII  You  are  going  to  hear  a  talk  between  2  people  about  a  festival.  First,  answer  the
                       questions below.

                   1.What kinds of festivals do you like?
                   2.Have you ever attended any festivals?
                   3.If yes, what was its name?

                   4.What did you do there?
                   5.Why should people go to festivals?
                XIV 1. Listen to a talk between 2 people. Answer the questions below.

                   1.  What is the name of the festival?

                   2.  When does the festival begin?
                   3.  When did the festival finish last year?

                   4.  What time does it open in the morning?

                   5.  How are they going to the festival?
                   2.Listen again and decide if the statements below are true (T) or false (F).

                   1.  The festival is held in the market.                                 ........................
                   2.  It is a festival about books and art.                               ........................
                   3.  This year, the festival will finish on Sunday.                      ........................

                   4.  They don‘t want to go by car because of the traffic.                ........................
                   5.  They are going to take the bus number 15 to get there.              ........................

               F. WRITING

                XV Make meaningful sentences based on the given words.
                   1.  Festival/ officially/ start/ minute.
                   2.  Friends/ I/ come/ late/ so/ we/ have to/ stand/ back.


                         Big 4 - Bộ đề tự kiểm tra 4 kỹ năng Nghe - Nói - Đọc - Viết tiếng Anh (cơ bản và nâng cao) lớp 7 tập 2|23
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