Page 98 - Big4 Tieng Anh 7 - Tap 2_Neat
P. 98
3. will be being 4. will take Many wind turbines have three long sticks
5. will be used 6.What is the distance called blades. When the wind moves, the
blades turn.
7. although we lost 8. used to
When blades turn, they move a special
9. satisfied 10. interesting, was it
stick called a shaft. The shaft turns generators
which make electricity.
One large turbine can produce enough
1. takes place 2. dancers power for about 300 homes for a year. That
3. in 4. lasts 5.perform number depends on the size of the turbine and
IX. amount of wind.
1. F 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. T Not everyone thinks wind turbines are
6. T 7. T 8. T 9. T 10. F good. Turbines make a lot of sound and kill a
lot of birds. They also cost a lot of money.
Often, people in a city with a wind farm pay
1. Indonesia is anislandnation inSoutheast more for electricity, not less.
There is one serious problem. Wind power
2. The country‘s totalarea is 1,904,443 sq km. cannot replace other energy, like coal or oil.
3. The rupiah is the official monetary unit Thatis because wind power does not always
ofIndonesia, consisting of 100 sen. work. When the wind stops, there is no
4. The capital of Indonesia is Jakarta and it is electricity. That means a city needs another
also the largest city in the country. way to make power. Cities that buy wind
5. 300 other languages and dialects are power have to purchase another source of
spoken. energy.
ELISTENING Wind power seems like a good idea, but
today, the cost is high and its benefits are
1.blades 2. electric generator
1. Fossil fuel energy is another name of non-
1. T 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. F renewable energy, isn‘t it?
Listening transcript: 2. We can be surprised about new means of
Is there an energy problem? Some people transport in the future.
think so. Using oil is bad because it makes 3. It is undoubted that recycling is a very
dirty air.
effective way to save our energy.
In addition, there might not be much oil in 4. The amount of energy consumption has
30 years. One possible answer is energy from kept increasing over the last few decades
wind. because of the sharp increase in world
How does wind power work? population.
Special machines change wind into 5. It is alarming that many people in
electricity. They are called wind turbines. undeveloped countries are dying everyday
These big, heavy machines can weigh 300 because of starvation.
tones and stand 130 meters. Sometimes you XVI.
can see a large group of turbines in the 1. Without any doubt, people must stop over-
countryside or near the sea. That is called wind exploiting, over-using and wasting energy
sources right now.
96| Big 4 - Bộ đề tự kiểm tra 4 kỹ năng Nghe - Nói - Đọc - Viết tiếng Anh (cơ bản và nâng cao) lớp 7 tập 2