Page 104 - Family and Friends 2 Class Book full_Neat
P. 104


        1 Look of the pictures. Whot is the horse doing? 2 Listen ond reod.@ruo


             uzg is cr fcrirground horse. She is behind
        S     cr red horse crnd in front of o blue horse.

        She  goes round crnd round everg dog.

                                                       But Suzg isn't hcrppg.
                                                       "I wont to run in the fields," she sogs. "I wqnt

                                                       eot the green gross. I wont to be a real horse!"

        The next dog Suzg moves her hecrd. She moves her toil.
        "Hurroh!" sctgs Suzg. "I'm cr reol horse now!"

                   ;!.4         **,@  1;r'      Suzg runs to the field. She eots the green gross.
                   .i.  l       flf  ,#ggffi./-*  She drinks the fresh wcrter. She is veru veru hoppU.
          wf                    i
                      But thcrt night, Suzg isn't hoppg.

                      She's cold. She's wet. And she's sccrred.
                      "I miss mg friends," she soUS. "I miss
                      the red horse ond the blue horse."

        In the morning, Suzg sclus goodbge to the
        green gross. She scrgs goodbge to the fresh

        rvoter. Suzg goes bock to the fcrirground.
        "I'm cr hcrppg horse," she sogs. "I con go

        round ond round everg dcrg with mg friends,
        the red horse ond the blue horse."

         7O4    Unit l5     Reoding: o foirytole
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