Page 55 - English_Vocabulary_-_DK_English_for_Everyone_Neat (3) 1
P. 55


                                                          [to get into a situation where
          [money coming into a business]                  you owe people money]

          [the amount of money that is                    [to lose money by spending more
          available to spend on something]                than you earn]

          [extra money the bank allows you                [the amount of one currency that you
          to spend]                                       get when you change it for another]

          [to earn just enough to cover the               [to no longer be able to exist
          costs of producing a product]                   as a business]

          [an amount of money spent]                      [a major decline in economic activity]


   158-159_Unit_38_Money_and_finance.indd   159                                                      31/08/2017   15:30
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