Page 104 - Prepare-2-SB_Neat
P. 104

Do you  watch TV talent  shows? How  many  can  уоч  паmе?

              Read the questions  and talk about your ideas  with  уочr раrtпеr.
              а Do ta[ent  shows  te[[ people  what to say оr сап they choose?
              ь what different  kinds  of ta[ent show  аrе there?
              с What do wiппеrs  of ta[ent shows  usua[[y  get?
              d who chooses  the winners?
              е Аrе ta[ent  shows  Iive?


                                                                 lg   r;Й iuiЁ  you know  the  ап5wеr  to this  опе. Usually,  the
                                                                  'x people  watching  the show  оп ТV апd in the  theatre
                                                                   who  (оr  whatl) they  1ike best. Sometimes  famous   реорlе  аrе
                                                                 the '   as we]l. 0п  ll"4osterchef  , only the professiona1  chefs
                                                                 сЦооsе thе  w'nner.
                                                                 ж     -   -
           G                                                     *Ж"&  lп а       there is always а   . The  wiппеr  of
           ý   iЁ.Ё ub ir,o*s  like  боt lolenlfor  musicians,  people  doing  magic,  , Оп some shows the   and sometimes  becomes  а
                                                                                  gets а
                                                                             usual  у
               singers  .. , апd lots mоrе,ТhеrеЪ  а show  for dancers,  too, ltЪ  cal]ed
                                                                                          qets  а prize  too and а few of
           Strictly  Соmе Dопсlпq.  Every   уеаr  there  are  new ideas for talent  shows,  them become  stars.  0п  а few shows,  the winner  gets nothing  -
           Тhеrе  are еvеп  some  national  talent  shows  fог  robots  and singing dogs|  but they often  Ьесоmе  famousI
                Yes,  most of the talent  shows оп TV аrе ]ive.  ltЪ also possible  to  i\Доst  of the  time,  the  реорlе  оп the shows сап say, sing or
                gotothe     and Ьеа  mеmЬеrоf the  ]   ,.Тhепуоu
                                                                      do what they wапt  to, Sometimes,  the show te]ls  them  the
           can  watch  а talent  show  ]ive on                   words  to say, so they  are  а bit like actors or   , But this
                                                                 doesn't  happen  on all the shows,


              Read the article  quickly  and check  your  ideas.
              Complete  the article  with  questions  from Exercise  2.
              Answer the questions  about the article.
              1 what ta[ent  show  is there for dancers?
              2 Whеrе сап  реор[е   go to watch  а talent  show  [ive?
              3 Who аrе the  judges  of ta[ent shows?
              4 What happens  to the runners-up  оп talent  shows?
              5 Why  аrе some  of the  реор[е  оп ta[ent  shows  а bit tike actors?

                                 ь                                                                         ж

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