Page 154 - Prepare-2-SB_Neat
P. 154
реýт ýЁжрLý д,{в р&ýт
шш *&еýYýжýýýý К Complete the sentences with rдhеп or while.
1 l was giving food to mу rabbit
,. , you
phoned me.
ъ\ SEE GRАммдR пЕFЕRЕI{GЕ, UillтS 5-7, 2 We found some mопеу we wеrе ptaying
ýý рдsт slMPLE, р&&ýý ýýьýýý footba[[ outside.
3 l wasn't doing anything you turned оп
ъъ SEE GRАм]i|дв BEFEREIi0E, alp{lT 15, the light.
ýý рлsт GtltTlt|tltltls, r**я тýа 4 ,, ,,, ,,. you sent me the message, l was doing
an eХam.
. We use the past continuous to describe activities
5 Му mum was watching the monkeys
happening at а particu[ar moment in the past. someone sto[e hеr purse.
Sometimes these activities happen at the same time 6 my friends wеrе snowboarding, they
We don't use the past continuous to ta[k about the saw а famous musician.
beginning оr the end of ап activity.
Jоlэп was looking at tlэe elephaпts апd his sisfer wgs ý Complete the sentences with опе verb in the past
buying оп ice сrеаrп. simple and one verb in the past continuous.
. We usе the past simp[e when опе comp[ete action 1 Му teacher
fo[[ows another. (travet) Ьу boat when she
(feet) sick.
l woke up апd l чуелt dои,лsfоirs. 2 When the music
. We often use the past simple and past continuous (start), l (not
talk) to my friends.
together to say that one action interrupts another. 3 White l
А elephant was eBting sоmе fruit wkеп the Ьоу fe!t. (fa tt). (саrrу)thе plates, l
tyhen апd while 4 We (ruп) in the park when we
(see) some ducks.
we use whеп апd while lo connect two activities. when 5 White l (do) my homework, my phone
we use the past simple and past continuous together, (ring).
we often use: 6 We (notvisit)the British Museum whi[e
. whеп before the past simp[e. we (stay) in London.
The Ьоу was lookiпg at the еlерhолfs иrfiел he fell.
Or € Complete the sentences so they are true for you.
Wlзеп the Ьоу {ell, he was looking at the elephants, Use the past simple or the past continuous.
, while before the past continuous.
0 When l woke up yesterday,
The Ьоу fell whi|e he was looking of flie elep&oлfs.
Оr it luas rrзiпiпq.
1 When l got to schoo[, my friends
Wtlilе the Ьоу иlas loaking af ffie еlер&олts, fie fu1l.
Practice 2 The teacher came into the classroom while
а Choose the correct words to complete the 3 When l arrived home, l
4 White lwas doing my homework,
1 When the tеасhеr саmе l wos соmiпg into the
classroom, we ployed were рlауiпg cards.
2 She didn't call l wаsп't calling me whеп she
heord l was heoring а strange noise.
З White l got off l was getting off the bus, it
storted l was stortiпg to rаiп.
4 John arived l wos arriving whi[e my sister
mаdе l wos mаkiпg breakfast.
5 Му brother сlimЬ l was сlimЬiпq а tree when he
fell l was folling.
6 l didn't meet l wоsп't mееtiлg my teacher while
we shopped l wеrе shopping.