Page 36 - Prepare-2-SB_Neat
P. 36

                                  .Ёi+]i'+  iij;                        ж                   *ý*ý*ý**ýý*ý|ýr;
                                                                              What  famous   реор[е  do you kпоw
             *ýýg**х"ý**ý  *w*хз*g
             1   Look at the photos  in the quiz. Can you паmе  апу of
                these people?  Do you know,  or сап you guess,  why  they
                are famous?
             2   Match  the photos to the quiz questions.              4   In pairs, do the quiz. Choose  А, В or С.

            3   Complete  the quiz questions  with the words  in the Ьох.  Ф  lirt"n  and check.
            1_\                                                        5   lп pairs,  StudentA,  name а photo. Student  В,
            ьfl   ctimbed                                                  say what  happened.
                  painted  ptayed pubtished  received
                  rесоrdеd trave[led                                       Student  А: Pliofo  J
                                                                           Student В: Cleopatra  diBd"

                                (lсwраtяаu  &шgеm  оf ýgyp*  аmd       ýyýda ý{аfuýq    hеg
                                thв  iаяt  рhаrааhо                    sеlý-роr*tаfi  t ъvýth  р*rrаts           .
                                & in 180 вСЕ.                          .;]i iп ]920.                             ,;i
                                ЁЁ iп 70 ВСЕ.                          :Jj  in ]9З5.
                                * in з0 всЕ.                           |,; in 1941.                           ,*ы
                                ffiаri* €grýе   ý}зе  ЖвЬаý PEixa      ý*rgп*  &ýi!lý*mý                         "qý-'ýa
                                                                                      .,  ,
                                Е*ъ сýз*жýslrу                     у   tзеr  ýýrst maýcit  at ýýýmь!еdеm          ь__
                               & iп December  ]911.                    & in ]996.                                 ъ Y
                                ffi in December  1925.                 ffi in 1998.                               "Ё
                               { iп December 195О,                     fl in яо00,
                               uаiепtiпа  Теrеsftkета                  ýеlжý*g  ?аЬgI
                               iB**  яр*са                             Жеýlпý  ýwgrеg*
                               & on  19th  August  1961.               & оп 16tb Мау 1975.
                               # оп Зrd April  1962.                   # on 5tb April  1977.
                               fr оп 16tb June 196З.                   * оп 19th Мау 1980.

                               &mеýý*  Еаr*tаr€    € hе                J, !{. RожýЕпg    fuаr
                               &týаm*ýс  Ф€ваеъ"  а!вmв,  Ьу  рýапе    first  ý*aTry  Раttаr  bpвýr
                               & in l9з9.                              & in Маrсh  ]985.
                               # in  ,]941.                            ЕF lп June lyyl.        t}
                               * in t9s0.                              * in July яOо+.
                               ****  €fuеrееý    fugr  ýýус8           ,   :.'t",  а:f;
                               sh*p  iлэ РgащЙlilБ,  riýmее            lt*t lJirs* stt*g
                               & in thе 18tb  century.                 i  in 1928
                               # in tbe 19tb  century.    {.  ý,: ,,  .  ]ii  in 19З0.
                               fr in thе 2Оth  century.                i. in ]9з6.
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