Page 43 - Prepare-2-SB_Neat
P. 43

Listen and  repeat.
                                                                    That's bri[[iant!  Congratulations!  Wowl
         1   Look at the article  and find the words in the Ьох.    Oh по! That sounds boring. Rea[[y?
         п   Тhеп match them to sentences  1-6.

              boss  busy      customers  еаrп                  3  Work  with  а partner.  Опе of you is Joe and the
              office  staff                                       other  is Joe's  friend.  Use phrases  in Exercise  2 to
                                                                  make а conversation.
             1 This means  уоu'rе   working hard and  have lots
               to do.                                              Where  did you work?
             2 These  реор[е  Ьuу things  in shops  оr саfёs.
             З Whеп  you have а job, this  реrsоп  tells you what                    l worked  in the museum.
               to do"
             4 These  people  work fоr а business.                 Wow!That's  bril[iant.
             5 Тhеrе аrе usually  desks,  phones  and соmрutеrs
               in this  р[асе.
             6 This mеапs 'get mопеу  fоr doing  work'.

         2   Write  five sentences  about Julia  and  Nina using
             the words in Exercise  1. lп pairs, read your
             sentences. Say Rfght, Wrопg  or Wе don't know!to
             уочr   partner's  sentences.

              Julia and  Nina еаrпеd  lots of money.                         Look at the artic[e about Nina and
                                                                   Ju[ia's work experience  оп page 42. Fiпd examples
              Julia's  boss  was friend[y  We don't kпоw!          of fu[[ stops  (.),  capitat  letters  (А, В, С) and
                                                                   apostropheS  (').
                                                                   Full stops  - These аrе at the end  of а sentence.
                                                                   Capital  letters - Use these  after  а fu[[ stop.  A[so use
                                                                   them for names, days of the week and months,  and
                                                                   for the word  'l1
             Listen  to Joe talking about the job  he did last     Apostrophes  - These аrе fоr contractions  (l've  got)
             week.  Tick (4 the correct  picture  (А, В оr С).     апd  fоr possessives  (Jane's  dog).
             0 Whеrе did he wоrk?                                  Read the  раrаgrарh  about  а teenager's  day at work.
                                                                   Add futt stops, capitat  letters and apostrophes.

                                                                     Ьlу friend  ýагаhs  got а job in а саfё iп the
                                                                    сёfitге of town the саfёз cailecj  the silver  fish
                                                                    апсi  the гfiапаgеrs  паmе  is biil оп saturday,
             1 What did he do?                                      sarah stаrtеd  at 9.00 am she  cteaned ihe floors
                                                                    and sеrvеd  customers  аftеr  that  she helped  the
                                                                    cook  make sor-rp  it bvas really  busy but sаrаh
                                                                    enjoyed  the day

                                                                        Ta[k to someone  you know who  has  а job. Ask
             2 What  time did he stаrt?
                                                                   them  about  what they did one day last week. Make
                                                                   notes using some оr alI of these verbs:

                                                                    close  enjoy  finish  ореп        Sta rt
                                                                    stop  trave[ use  work
             з Ноw  did he irаrуеl to и,lоrk?
                                                                         Write а paragraph  about  the person's  day.
                                                                   Write about  50 words.
                                                                           ln pairs, rеаd   уоur  paragraph  and  уоur
                                                                   раrtпеr's.  Check for mistakes  with  punctuation.
             4 Ноw  did he get the job?

                                                                                    WнАт А GRЕдт JOB!  43
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