Page 23 - Full Solutions 2nd Pre-Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 23

.li. Read the letter. What two birthday presents did Connor  r,|  Put what Connor  says in the correct paragraph in the chart
           get?  Choose from the items in the photos  below.       below, and in the correct order.
                                                                   a He says he enioyed his birthday.
                                                                   b He says what one of his friends gave him.
                                                                   c  He thanks  his uncte for the present.
                                                                   d He says what  he did on his birthday.
                                                                   e He thanl<s his uncle  again  for the present.
                                                                   f  He gives his opinion of his uncte's present.
                                                                   g He says when he uses his uncte's present.
                                                                                                    rii: ll-l:r'l-iril'r:ll'ifllI  ;'a,t:: lt:i:1tli,1i:i,ll
                                                                                                    laa:ai1:ltri;llr:lriliii  al&i;i111llliiSttt;t

                                             t2 trtlaeifiald   Driva
                            tennis racket  Eromlal  glzt? toIF       An informal  letter
                                                                     1 Begin with Dearthen add the name  of the recipient.
                                             Ltil Augul| LO\L
              Dear Uncle Harry,                                      2 Ask how the person  you are writing  to is or express
              I hope                                                   your hope that he/she is we[[ e.g. How are  you? or
                    1ou   arp wpll.  ThanKs  so much for tha Dreionls
              1ou   seni me for m1 birthday. I love them - thov,ra     I hope you are well.
              brillian'tl trlhen I \^rag openinq them I thouqht  .thav   3 You are allowed to use short forms  (e.g. it's, you're,
              bowling balts. t'm  glad that ihey  vraran,tl  ["usa  ihem  /'10 and cotloquial  expressions.
              evarl da1 before schoo\ and I rocyon l'm stronoor      4 Put one of the fottowing expressions at the end of the
              alraadl. M1- dad told mo  -that  using vlgiqhis a i  qood  letter: loye, Lots of love, Bestwishes,  Bye  for  now.
              wa1 io get fit too. Malba   shou[d buil eoma f# nirl     Then sign it with your name.
                                                                     5 l.f, after having  finished  the Ietter,  you need to
                                                                       add something,  do it in post scriptum.  Start  a new
              l.roalll aqolad  m1 bir-thda1  rirla  had abarbecue  in
              the  garden and loads of friands came  wae a
              taughl  M1 beel maie
                               91ave  me ai,basoba\l  bat. We  don,i
              plal basaball  aI echoo\,  bui ihara are teamt aI lhe
              locat g1m.                                           Read the writing  strategy. Answer  the questions  about
                                                                   Connor's letter.
                                                                   1 What phrases  does he use to open and close his [etter?
                                                                   2 Which  four different  contractions  does he use?
              Lo'ts  of lova.
                                                                   3 What information  does he add after his name?
                                                                   You have just  received  a birthday present  in the post
              ?i Mum andDatd  eond-thoir  lovo.too.
                                                                   from your English  friend.  Write a letter (120-150  words)
                                                                   to your friend.
        :li Find informal  words and phrases in the letter that mean:  .  Thanl<  your  friend  for the gift.
           1 thank you           4  lots of                        .  Say why you [il<e the gift and how you use it.
           2 very good           5 fun                             .  Say what happened on your birthday.
           3 lthink              6  best friend                    .  Tell your  friend what other  presents  you received.

           Rewrite  these sentences in a more informat styte.
           1 I think my best friend  is fun.
           2 Thank you for the book. lt's very good.
           3 I got lots of very good presents for my birthday.
           4 I think there are lots of very good ptaces to visit
             near  here.
           5 Thank you for inviting  me to your party. lt was fun!
                                                                                             Unit 2  u  Winningand  losing  ! 2t
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