Page 38 - Full Solutions 2nd Pre-Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 38

g  ffi     Work in pairs. Look at the photos. What can      i  ,1"i  l1;,:    ,
           you see? What is happening?  Use the words  below                  ":,.r,:i',,;;:,.:;'..       ,,,,,,,,,,.,.,,,,..,.
            to help you.
                                                                    ,rr n The oscars award t6tfi$tiiiii&if  is one of the most
            aetress {ry make  a speeeh *i.rtfit prize  wem
                                                                    famous ceremonies in the world, and is watched
         3   d[  Z.O*  Read  the text. Match  headings  1-6 with    Iive on TV in over 2oo countries.  The first ceremony
                                                                    happened in Hollywood  in t929, and all of the
            paragraphs  A-E. There is one heading  that you do not need.                                  brizes
                                                                    were for silent f ilms. For the first ten years, the  fgliilfi
            1 Gratitude and tears 4 The most famous winner
                                                                    were  given  to the newspapers before the ceremony.
            2 Dress  to impress  5 Deciding  the winner             However,  since t94t, the names of the iivi6iigi6  have
            3 Early  days        6 A mystery                        been  a secret until the last moment.
            Read the text again. Answer  the questions.
         ^$                                                       :  ,.:. f] No one is exactly sure where the name  'Oscars'
            1 ln the 1930s,  how did people  know the resutt before  the  .:  came from. One story is that in t93t, the director of
              ceremony?                                             the Academy  thoughi  that the golden award looked
            2 Whose uncle  looked  tike the prize that was awarded  to  Iike her uncle  Oscar -  and the name  stayed!
              the winners?
                                                                    r  E f tre Academy of Motion Picture  Arts and
            3 Who votes for the winners?                            Sciences has over 6,ooo members (actors, directors,
            4 How much  do the female stars usuaIty  spend on their  producers,  etc.). Each year, they vote for the winners
              outfits for the ceremony?
                                                                    in 25 categories. The most important  categories are
            5 Why are the acceptance  speeches  often boring?       Best Film, Best Director, Best Actress and Best Actor.
         &  lffirlEllllt:lf  Match the singular form of the highlighted  ':-:  E  No one is very interested  in what the men wear
            words in the text with the definitions  below.          (they  usually come in a dinner  jacket  or a suit), but
            1 the decision or score  at the end of a competition    the big fashion  houses,  like Chanel and Dior, try to
            2 a very formaI public  event                           persuade  the most popular  female stars to wear their
            3 a formaI tatk that you give  in pubtic                dresses. The stars usually get the dresses for free,
            4 something  that the winner of a competition  receives  and they usually  look great. But there are some  bad
            5 somebody who comes first in a competition             choices tool
                                                                    ::,, n rne      that the winners  make when
            d)  Z.OS  Listen to a  journalist  tatking about  the Razzie    tpggglii$i
            Awards. Answer the questions.                           they accept  their Oscars are often rather boring,  as  4
                                                                    they're usually  iust  a list of people they want to thank  'l
            1 What are the awards  given  for?
                                                                    (including  their mum). The winners  often get very
            2 Do most winners come to the awards  ceremony?
                                                                    emotional  -  it can sometimes  be almost  impossible to
         6  $  Z.OS  Listen again. Are the sentences  true or false?  understand  what they're saying!
            1 The awards  ceremony  takes place before  the Oscars.
            2  ,|ohn  Wilson started the Razzies because  he hates  atl
              Hollywood fitms.
            3 Membership  of the Golden  RaspberryAward  Foundation
              is free.
            4 No winners collected their Razzie Awards  before 1988.
            5 Sandra BuItock won a Razzie  and an Oscar for the same
            ffi     Work in pairs. Think of fitms you have seen
            recently  and discuss this question.
            Who woutd you award (a)  Oscars  (b) Razzies  to in these
            categories: Best/Worst  Fitm? Best/Worst Actress?  Best/
            Worst Actor?

      36 : Unit 4  '  Lights,  camera, action!
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