Page 46 - Full Solutions 2nd Pre-Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 46
tr shoppins Vocabulary r shops r verbs: shopping and money . special occasions
Grammar r present perfect r been and gone r present perfect and past simpte
. How long .../ t
for and since
Speaking r giving and receiving gifts r buying ctothes
Writing I aformal Ietter
ffi;ffi Look at the photos. lmagine you have got €250 to spend in one shop only.
Choose a shop and exptain why you rejected the other two options.
6 S Z,t S Listen again. Which sentence do you hear: a or b?
Diarlogue,li ,,,11 a Can I get a refund?
b Can I get my money back? I
2 MirifiilllF,If Worl< in pairs. Where would you buy these
a I'tt buy it. T
things? Match each item (1-12) with a shop from the [ist
below. b I'll have it. tr
,3 ]. , '
1 apptes 5 a magazine 9 a ring ,.a iltrs a pfe.s ,t tr
2 bread 6 medicine 10 sausages ,b.l,lt:s;l ,,,, , i, , ,,',, ,, . ' l,, I
3 aDVD 7 paint 77 a tree -:1.::i:ll:1,..1.. . 4 . a1,1aLt,,took iii, ari,Other shop. T
4 aftatorahouse 8 apencil 72 a fridge ,,6,,;t[1 1rr..,su*eWhiie,,else. I
:,, :ll ,','.,';. ."' 'l
Shops baker's butcher's chemist's DIY store "l
Diiilcigu,e:3:, ,. 'r5 a What's the price? T
electricalstore entertainment store
estate agent's garden centre greengrocer's b How much is it? T
jewel[er's newsagent's stationer's ,6,. :16 ,lg the1s l1lylhrinrg €tse? I
b ls that a[[ for today? I
'd) Z.r+ pRolluNcrATroN Listen, repeat and checl<.
7 ffiffi Play a memory game in class. Each student adds
4 Work in pairs. Think of one or two things you can buy at one shop and one item.
each shop in the list below.
bookshop card shop clothes shop computer shop
mobile phone store sports shop toy shop
D vocneuLARY BUILDER (pART 1): pAGE 128 (3
5 ,ft':.t f Listen to three diatogues and answer these three
questions about each customer.
1 Which shop from exercise 2 is the customer in?
2 What does the customer want to buy?
3 Has the shop got what the customer wants? IED vOCleumRY BUILDER (PART 2): PAGE 128 G
44 I Unit5, Shopping