Page 65 - Full Solutions 2nd Pre-Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 65

       I  took at the photos. Woutd you tike to go shopping  in these
          places? Why?/Why not?

       2  Work in pairs. Student A: Describe  photo  1 to your partner.
          Student  B: Describe  photo  2 to your  partner.

       3  Work in pairs. Asl< and answer  the questions.
          1 Do you think shopping  is a good hobby to have?
            Why?/Why  not?
          2 What do you enjoy buying most? What  do you distike buying?

       4  Read Anna's emailto her English penfriend,  Libby, ignoring
          the gaps.  What does she asl< for advice about?
       lQat*                                               \

                                                     -          Listening
         Dear Libby                                            6  fd  Z.:O Listen  to the dialogue.  What has Anna  asked  Jack
         How  are you? I've phoned  your house a couple  of times this  to fix? Does he fix it?
         week but you weren't  in.   lt's deleted some of my
         contacts. Can you email me your mobile number again?   7  (d Z.lO Listen again. Choose the correct answer.
                                                                  1 ,|ack  says that he l<nows
         l've been here for five months and I still haven't had a
         chance to visit you.  Can you believe  it? Now it's summer  a  nothing  about  phones.
         and hundreds  of people have arrived at the holiday camp.   b everything about  phones.
         'z-Why     don't  you come  and see me here instead?        c  a Iittle about  phones.
         There's  plenty of room in my caravanl                   2 One of the probtems  with Anna's phone is that
                                                                     a  she can't  mal<e phone catts.
         The job  is going really well and l've met some  nice people
                                                                     b she can't  receive  emails.
         here.  There's  one guy who's really  sweet. He's called Jack.
                                                                     c  she can't send emails.
         I really like him, but  I don't think he feels the same way
         about me. Anyway,  I think he's going out with Dani, the girl  3 Jacl< asks for
                     3-_                                             a  a black coffee.
         from the gym.     Never  mind.  Actually,  I do mindl
                                                                     b coffee with mitk and sugar.
         I went  shopping in Leeds  yesterday.  What a disaster!
         a--                                                         c  coffee with milk.
                And when I tried to change  the jacket  I bought  last
                                                                  4 What's  Jack  going  to do [ater?
         week,  the shop refused because I didn't have my receipt.
                                                                     a  have dinner and go to the  gym
         l'm going to do all my shopping online from now on!
                                                                     b  go to the gym and then  have dinner
         What can I do about Jack?  Nothing,  I guess.  What do you
              s                                                      c  have dinner  and watch  TV
         think?      Advice, please!
                                                                   5 What happens when  ,|ack  sees Libby's emait?
         Love                                                        a  He finishes  his coffee quicl<ly.
                                                                     b  He invites Anna to the cinema.
                                                                     c  He leaves  quickty.
          Read the emailagain.  Match the  Saps  (1-5) with sentences
          A-F betow.  There  is one sentence that you do not need.  Writing
          A ltried on fifty pairs of  ieans,  but ldidn't tike anyof them.
                                                               8  lmagine you are on a shopping  trip in a big city.
          B lt's reatly difficutt for me to take a weel<end  off.  Write a btog entry  in English exptaining:
          C That's why so many  people come here for their hotidays
                                                                  .  where  you are and why you are there.
            every year.
                                                                  .  whether you're  having a good or a bad time, and why.
          D I haven't asl<ed,  but they seem very close.
                                                                  .  which shops  you have visited.
          E Come  on, you've  l<nown  me for years.
                                                                  .  what you have bought and how much you have spent.
          F I've had a few problems  with my new smartphone recently.
                                                                                                   Sl<ills Round-up 1-6  63
   60   61   62   63   64   65   66   67   68   69   70