Page 101 - Step by step listening 1
P. 101

1. Practice the dialog below.

                            How do you get to your school from

                            your house?

                         E: I walk straight then turn left on

                            the second  street. And
                            there is my school.

                      2. Now ask and answer with your

                        friend about how you go to school.

                                                                                          II   W

                      1. Listen to the first dialog again and fill in the blanks.            +ffi* 42

                        Kern:   Excuse  me!


                        Ken:    Can you                  me? Today's my first day, and l'm

                                Where is the elementary

                        f,vtan: Do you                     a                  ?

                        Ken: Yes.                       it is.

                        fillmn: Good.  Go                                   this              and turn

                        Ken: Thank you.

                                                                                                How Do lGet Therez Gl
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