Page 65 - Step by step listening 1
P. 65

StepB,vStep  Listenirf

                      1. Practice the dialog below.

                         &: What is your favorite food?

                         ffi: My favorite  food is pizza.

                         & What is your least favorite  food?

                         &: My least favorite  food is spaghetti

                            with tomato sauce.

                      2. Now ask and answer with your friend
                         about your favorite and least favorite

                                                                                          ra  &
                      1. Listen to the first dialog again and fill in the blanks.
                                                                                             ';i*$nok  6

                         ffimtty :  Do you like

                         Stevem: No, ldon't

                         BetW :  What are your favorite

                         Steveru:  My favorite                    are                     and

                                   What about you?

                         ffietff r  My favorite                   are               and


                                                                                           What is Your Favorite  rooaz
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