Page 46 - More_3_2nd_edition_Workbook
P. 46

Learning to learn (Units 5 and 6)

                       Text types

                     1  Look at these texts. Write the name of the correct text type.

                         email     biography     instructions     description     definition     letter

                          Anne Frank was born in Frankfurt, Germany,   It was a huge building, more like a prison
                          on 12th June, 1929. She moved to             really. The windows were silver in the
                          Amsterdam in 1933 with her parents and       moonlight and great, black shadows reached
                          sister, Margot. For her 13th birthday, around   out under the towers like giant fi ngers. From the
                          the beginning of the second world war, she   rooftops I heard the high screech of bats.
                          was given a diary.

                         A .......................................................................................................          B .......................................................................................................

                         How to get there                                                16 Lee Road
                         Follow the M5 out of London.  Turn off at                       OX4 2PQ
                         junction 3 and follow the signs to Brancombe                    16th September 2010
                         North. Follow the road for 5 miles, then look   Dear Carl,
                         for a turning on the left to Castle Trume.    I hope you are well. I am fi ne. Yesterday,
                                                                       we went to London for the day…

                         C .......................................................................................................          D .......................................................................................................

                         Hi! Can you send me the link to that          Bottle, 1. a vessel with a narrow neck for
                         history website that you found? I’m           storing liquids. 2. the amount of liquid
                         trying to do my homework but can’t            contained in a bottle.
                           nd the information I need. Thanks !         Bottle-brush, 1.  a brush for cleaning bottles.

                         E .......................................................................................................          F .......................................................................................................

                     2    Read these descriptions. Write the letter of the text they refer to in the box.

                       1      An electronic message using informal language.
                       2      Information about a person’s life (usually someone famous).
                       3      Information to complete a task. Written in a very clear way.
                       4      An explanation of the meaning of a word.
                       5      A text using lots of descriptive words and adjectives.
                       6      A text written to someone else. Usually starts with Dear ...

                     3  Choose a text type and write a text in that style.

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