Page 68 - More_3_2nd_edition_Workbook
P. 68

UNIT         10              It must be good for you

                       Text work

                  1    Read the article about dangerous foods. What are the three foods?

                       1  ....................................................  2  ....................................................  3  ....................................................

                                The world’s most dangerous food!

             Everyone needs to eat. But did you know that there are some foods which might be very
             dangerous if we don’t eat them correctly? Here are the top three most dangerous foods.

             1. Fugu                           2. Sannaki                       3. Ackee
             The fugu is a fish, and you can eat   Sannaki is a special food in South   The ackee is a very beautiful
             this food in special restaurants   Korea. Many people think that it is   fruit that grows in Jamaica. It is
             in Japan. It is very delicious, and   delicious. It is made from octopus,   poisonous until it turns a bright
             very expensive. It can be made    and it is very popular. There is   red colour. Then you can pick it
             into a type of sushi. There is only   only one problem – the octopus is   from the tree. Inside, there is a
             one problem – it might kill you!   still alive! You have to chew it a   delicious yellow part which you
             It contains a deadly poison, and   lot, and swallow it immediately. If   can eat. Unfortunately, it also has
             must be prepared by special chefs.   you don’t, the octopus will move   large black seeds which you must
             These chefs study for many years,   inside your mouth, and try to stick   not eat! These seeds are very
             just to learn how to prepare fugu.   to the inside of your throat! If this   poisonous. If you eat them, you
             Then, these chefs can get a special   happens, you might need to go to   might have a very bad stomach
             licence. They carefully take away   hospital.                      ache (or worse!).
             the part of the fish which has the
             poison. If they make a mistake,
             then you might die immediately!

                  2    Read the article again. Circle T (true) or F (false).

                       1    Fugu is a very cheap food.                             T / F
                       2    Only special people can make food from fugu.           T / F
                       3    You have to cook sannaki for a long time before you eat it.   T / F
                       4    The octopus must be eaten quickly.                     T / F
                       5    You can eat the ackee fruit at any time.               T / F
                       6    You can only eat the black part of the ackee fruit.    T / F

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