Page 93 - English_Vocabulary_-_DK_English_for_Everyone_Neat (4)
P. 93
ball is in your court 41 believe in something 26 bodyboarding 50
ballet 65 belt 16 body, parts of 14
balloon 22 bend in the road 46 bodysuit 22
ballpark figure 41 benefits 35 boil 33, 78
banana 29 bestseller 63 boiled egg 28
band 64 between 46 boiling 51
bandage 69 bib 22 boiling point 51
bank 38, 73 bicycle 44, 49 bolt 12
bank loan 38 bicycle lane 49 bonnet (car) 45
bank statement 38 big 5 bonus 35
bar (goalpost) 61 bike 44, 49 book 63
bar (pub) 33, 72 bike rack 49 book a holiday 47
barbeque 49 bilingual 25 book a vacation 47
bargain 74 bill 33 book club 58
bargain-hunting 73 bills 13, 38 book in advance 48
bark 54 bin 9, 37 bookcase 9
baseball 60 bin liner 11 booked 61
baseball bat 62 binder clip 37 bookshop 73
basement 9, 74 biography 63 bookstore 73
basil 31 biologist 78 boot (car) 45
basket 49, 54, 74 biology 23, 78 boot camp 71
basketball 60 bird seed 54 booties 22
bat 55 birds 56 boots 16
bath 4, 9 birdwatching 58 bored 19
bathrobe 15 biscuit 31 boring 6
bathroom 9 bison 55 bottle 22, 32
bathroom equipment 10 bite 32, 68 bottle opener 10
bathtub 9 bitter 32 bottom of the career ladder 39
battery 76, 78 black 5 boutique 73
be booked 61 black hair 17 bow (archery) 62
be delayed 47 blackberries 29 bow (gesture) 14
be laid off 35 blackcurrants 29 bow tie 16
be on the fence 8 bleach 11 bowl (container) 10, 32
be sent off 61 bleat 54 bowling 60
beach 50, 52, 58 bleed 68 bowling pins 62
beach ball 50 blender 10 box 32
beak 56 blink 14 box office 65
beaker 78 blizzard 51 boxer shorts 15
beans 30 block 46 boxes 13
bear 55 block of flats 9 boxing 60
beard 17 blond hair 17 boxing gloves 62
beautiful 6, 17 blood test 69 boxing ring 62
beauty 16, 74 blouse 15 boy 20
beaver 55 blow 59 boyfriend 20
become a celebrity 67 blue 5 bra 15
bed 4, 9 blue eyes 17 bracelet 16
bed and breakfast 47 blue whale 57 brakes 45, 49
bedroom 9 blueberries 29 brave 18
bedside table 9 blush (action) 14 Brazil 1
bee 56 blush / blusher (make-up) 16 Brazilian 1
beef 28 boar 55 bread 31
beer 32 board a plane 47 break down 45
beetle 56 board games 22, 58 break even 38
beginner’s luck 26 board of directors 40 break up with someone 21
behind 46 boarding pass 47 breakfast 4, 33
beliefs 26 boat 44 breakfast TV 66
340-360_Bilingual_word_lists_Ack_UK_and_US.indd 341 22/09/2017 11:30