Page 112 - Our Discovery Island 1 Student Book full_Neat 1
P. 112
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I like fruit ond yoguri. It's Holloween, it's Holloween.
I don't like meot ond cheese. Poss the pumpkin, 1,2,3.
I like breod ond milk ond juice. Poss the pumpkin to me!
Con I hove some, pleose?
I'm o monster.
I like fruit ond vegetobles. I'm o bot.
I don't like coffee ond cheese. I'm o pumpkin.
I Iike meot ond milk ond juice. I'm o witch. Ho, ho, ho!
Con I hove some, pleose? Andlhoveocot.
Ksrcs*ke o**rgis:l'r It's Holloween, it's Holloween.
Poss the pumpkin, 1,2,3.
Poss fhe pumpkin to me!
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ks? (*g'zu ffiS
He's hungry.
She's thirsty. pmg* 1*S
It's Christmos Doy, it's Christmos Doy.
He's tired.
Here comes Sonto in his sleigh!
It's Christmos Doy, it's Christmos Doy.
She's scored.
Sonto's on his woy!
He's excitedl Look of the reindeer,
Woldo. One, two, three.
Look of the presents!
K*n**lq* versi*r'r
Con you see?
Red, yellow, green, ond blue.
Oronge, pink ond purple, tool
It's Christmos Doy, ii's Christmos Doy.
Here comes Sonto in his sleigh!
It's Christmos Doy, it's Chrisimos Doy.
Sonto's on his woy!
K*rm*k* v*rsi*r'r