Page 56 - SGK Tieng Anh 9 thi diem tap 1_Neat 1
P. 56


           Reading                                        Speaking
           1  Read  an  article  about  the  Perfume  Pagoda.   3 Work in pairs. Below are some of the things
              Look at the words in the box, then fi nd them   that have caused damage to the man-made
              in the text and underline them. What do they   wonders  of Viet  Nam.  Put  them  in  order  of
              mean?                                          seriousness. Give your reasons. Can you add
                                                             any more?
                 vast          pilgrims       theme
                backdrops      reign
                                                              a.   Many  roads,  hotels,  factories,  etc.,  have  been  built
                                                                  around man-made wonders.

                                  Perfume  Pagoda  is         b.  Too many tourists visit man-made wonders every day.
                                  a  religious  site  as      c.   Local  governments  don’t  have  long-term  measures
                                  well as being a great          to  protect  man-made  wonders  from  severe  weather
                                  sight-seeing   spot            conditions.
                                  in  Viet  Nam.  It  is
                                  situated in Huong Son       d.   Recent restorations have changed the original structure
                                  Commune,  My  Duc               of some man-made wonders.
                                  District,  Ha  Noi.  It      e.   Many valuable things have been stolen from man-made
                                  is  a  vast  complex            wonders.
              of  Buddhist  temples  and  shrines,  including
              Den Trinh (Presentation Shrine) and Thien Tru   4a
                                                          4a  Work in pairs. Use the ideas in 3 to suggest
              (Heaven  Kitchen)  Pagoda,  in  the  limestone   ways to protect and preserve the man-made
              Huong  Tich  mountains.  The  centre  of  this   wonders of Viet Nam.
              complex  is  the  Perfume  Temple,  also  called   Example:
              Chua Trong (Inner Temple), located in Huong
              Tich Cavern. It is thought that the first temple   A:    It is reported that many of our man-made
              was built on the current site of Thien Tru in the   wonders have been damaged. What should
              15th century during the reign of Le Thanh Tong.   we do to protect and preserve them?
              Over  the  years  some  of  its  structures  which
              were in ruins have been restored or replaced.
              Many Vietnamese works of literature, both old   B:   I suggest that we should limit the number
              and modern, have made Perfume Pagoda their        of tourists visiting them every day.
              focus. It has also provided backdrops for many
              famous paintings. Its beauty has been used as
              a theme of many famous songs and a topic       A:  That’s a good idea. I’d like to suggest raising
              of  lyric  poetry.  Nowadays  during  its  festival   money to restore and preserve them...
              (from the middle of January to the middle of
              March on the lunar calendar),  Perfume Pagoda
              attracts large numbers of pilgrims from all over
              Viet Nam.

           2  Read  the  article  again  and  answer  the
           1.  Where is the Perfume Pagoda located?
           2.  What does the complex of the Perfume Pagoda
           3.  Where is the centre of this complex located?  b Report your best ideas to the class.
           4.  What is special about the beauty of the Perfume      Example:
              Pagoda?                                        We  suggested  limiting  the  number  of  tourists
           5.  Who  visits  the  Perfume  Pagoda  during  its   who can visit these important sites per day.
              religious festival?

           56   Unit 5/ Wonders of Viet Nam
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