Page 111 - Speak_Now_1_SB_Neat
P. 111
T e resa: That sounds good. And now something 3. A: What do you think of my cousin Joey?
for my brother. B: Um, he sure is ... funny.
Nate: You have a big family! How old is A: That's Joey all right!
your brother? B: Bue he's kind of forgetful. I told him
Teresa: He's 12. my name was Kacy, but he called me
Nate: What's your brother's name? Kathy-twice.
T e resa: His name is Sebastian. A: My name is Mick, but he calls me Mike
all the time. Still, he's a great guy.
LESSON 10 B: Let's all go out again sometime.
Conversation, Part A
Kelly: Is that your sister? LESSON 11
Lily: Yeah, chat's Jennifer. She's 15. Conversation, Part A
Kelly: Is she like you? Rachel: Hi, Cindy. How are things?
Lily: Yes, in some ways. She's very funny. Cindy: Great, thanks. I love your shirt!
And she's friendly, like me. Rachel: It was a gift from my sister.
Kelly: That's good. Cindy: That color looks really good on you.
Lily: Bue we're really different in some ways. Rachel: That's so nice of you.
Kelly: How are you different? Cindy: You have the best clothes.
Lily: Well, she's very patient. I'm not patient Rachel: Thanks, Cindy! Oh, no. I need to go.
at all. I'm late for class.
Cindy: Me too. See you later.
Listening, Part B
I. A: How is your new math teacher, Katy? Conversation, Part C
B: Mr. Lewis? Well, he's friendly, but very Rachel: Hi, Cindy. How are things?
serious. Oh, he's also patient. I need that Cindy: Great, thanks. That's a nice shirr!
in a teacher! Rachel: I got it on sale.
A: Is he strict? Cindy: That color looks really good on you.
B: No, not at all. Rachel: Thank you!
A: He sounds like a good teacher. Cindy: You have the best clothes.
B: Yeah, he is. Rachel: Thanks, Cindy! Oh, no. I need to go.
I'm late for class.
2. A: Did you talk to that new girl in our class- Cindy: Me too. See you later.
you know, the one from Australia?
B: Vanessa? Oh, sure.
A: What's she like?
Conversation, Part A
B: Well, she doesn't say very much at all.
Brad: What do you think of this shirt?
She's pretty quiet.
Casey: Yellow isn't really a good color for you.
A: So, she's not very friendly.
You're wearing blue today. That color
B: I'm not sure. She's new to this school.
looks nice on you.
She's just shy.
Brad: Hm ... what about that purple sweater?
A: I chink I'll talk to her. She needs
Casey: I really like it.
some friends.
Brad: OK. Let's go and look at jackets.