Page 117 - Speak_Now_1_SB_Neat
P. 117
LESSONS 17-20 ENGLISH IN ACTION Tom: I do need a new lamp, but I can't go
Tom: So, how do you and Jill like your coday. I have co study.
apartment? Maria: I'll pick it up for you.
Maria: Oh, it's great. It's a little small, but it's Tom: Are you sure?
really convenient and quiet. Maria: Why not? What kind of lamp do
Tom: Yeah, this is a good location. Eric and I you wane?
like living here. Tom: I just need a lamp chat works.
Maria: By the way, where do you buy your My bedroom is coo dark.
groceries? Maria: OK, I think I know just what
Tom: We usually go to Larson's. It's on the you need to brighten your room.
corner of Pine Street and First Avenue.
[Later that day ... ]
Maria: Ir's near the subway, right?
Tom: Yep. Tom: Come in!
Maria: Jill and I usually go co Markee Fair. Maria: I found the perfect lamp for your room!
Tom: Is it by the park? Isn't it bright?
Maria: Right. It's not far at all. We walk there. Tom: It definitely is. T h anks, Maria.
Tom: Maybe I'll go there next time. So, do
you have everything you need for your LESSON 21
apartment now? Conversation, Part A
Maria: I'm sleeping on the sofa at the moment. Eduardo: Excuse me, how much does bus fare
Do you know where I could gee a bed? cost in chis town?
Also, I wane co gee some chairs and Greg: le coses a dollar fifty.
a bookcase. Eduardo: T h ar's reasonable. How much does
Tom: Do you need a desk? I have one I'm a cup of coffee cost?
not using. Greg: It depends. It's a dollar in a convenience
Maria: No, I have a desk, but thank you. store, bur it can be six dollars in a nice
Tom: You know, why don't you check out the coffee shop.
Superstore? T h ey have everything you Eduardo: Six dollars for coffee! T h ar's expensive!
need, and their stuff is really cheap. And how much are movie tickets?
Maria: T h e Superstore! I chink I saw an ad Greg: T h ey cost about thirteen dollars.
for them on TV Is it near? Eduardo: T h ings are expensive in your cown!
Tom: It's on Mason Street. You know,
just after che movie theater. It's Conversation, Part C
across from Pace Supermarket. Eduardo: Excuse me, how much does bus fare
Maria: Do they have parking? cost in this town?
Tom: T h e parking lot is around the corner Greg: It coses a dollar fif .
on West Avenue. Go past the score, Eduardo: T h at seems fair. How much does
cake a right, and you come co the a cup of coffee cost?
parking loc. Greg: le depends. It's a dollar in a convenience
Maria: Great. I'll scop by today. Say, wane co score, but it coses around six dollars in
come with me? a nice coffee shop.