Page 29 - project_1_workbook_4th_ed_Neat
P. 29
have got; questions and short answers
Match the questions to the answers. В C3bZ3 1,14) Amy is talking about her
1 [0 Have your grandparents got a car? friends, the Jackson family. Listen and
complete the table.
2 □ Have you got a computer?
3 □ Has your aunt got a black cat?
4 □ Have we got a nice classroom?
5 О Has your dog got a blanket?
6 Q Has your brother got a mobile phone?
7 Q Have your cousins got a parrot?
a No, i haven't,
b Yes, they have.
с Yes, we have,
d Yes, it has.
e No, they haven't,
f No, she hasn't,
g Yes, he has.
4 EZ3I Write questions. Give short answers
about yourself.
1 you / an Internet friend
Have you got an Internet friend?__________
Yes. I have. / No. I haven't.________________
2 you/ a dog
Name Pet? Type of pet
Amy Yes /(A/cT)
3 you / a skateboard
Lily (Yes)/ No A dog
Peter Yes / No
4 you / brothers and sisters Tom Yes/No
Andrew Yes / No
Mr and Mrs Yes / No
5 you / an MP3 player Jackson
b Write sentences.
1 Amy hasn't got a pet.
6 you/a rabbit
2 Lily 's got a pet. She's got a dog.
3 Peter______________
4 Tom_______________
5 Andrew____________
6 Mr and Mrs Jackson