Page 7 - Mindset for ielts 1_Neat 1
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Peter Crosthwaite Susan Hutchison
Peter has worked in the TESOL and applied Susan Hutchison has been an ESOL teacher
linguistics fields for 13 years. His previous and examiner for more than 30 years.
experience includes writing and consultancy She has taught overseas in Italy, Hungary
work with various publishers, two sessions as and Russia. She now lives and works in
Director of Studies for language schools in the Edinburgh, Scotland as an ESOL teacher in
UK, over six years' experience in the Korean an independent school for girls. She has
EFL context, and teaching and supervision co-authored a number of course books,
experience at the University of Cambridge. He preparation and practice materials for both
is currently an Assistant Professor at the Cambridge English Language Assessment
Centre for Applied English Studies (CAES), and IELTS. She has also developed online
University of Hong Kong, where he is the and interactive IELTS practice materials for
coordinator of the MA Applied Linguistics the British Council.
(MAAL) and the MA TESOL. He is currently
co-teaching the 'Second Language
Acquisition' module for both programs.
He has worked on IELTStest preparation, Marc Loewenthal
publishing and materials development for Marc has been teaching for 35 years, mostly
over 10 years, with 4 years of experience as in the UK but also abroad in Greece, Russia,
a qualified IELTS Examiner.
Middle East, Indonesia and Pakistan. He has
taught in the public sector since 1990,
Natasha De Souza mostly in further education and adult
education, and more recently on pre
Natasha has been involved in the ELT industry sessional EAP university courses. He has
for 15 years - as a teacher, Director of Studies, been a Speaking and Writing Examiner for
Examiner and an Examinations Officer. over 25 years and has expert knowledge of
She started teaching /EL TS in 2006, when IELTS requirements for university admission.
she worked on a University Pathway and
Foundation Programme for a language school
in Cambridge. More recently, as a Director of Claire Wijayatilake
Studies and an Examinations Officer, she was Claire has been teaching English since 1988.
responsible for giving guidance to students She spent much of her career in Sri Lanka,
and teachers on how the IELTStest works and including 16 years at British Council,
how best to prepare for it. Colombo. She became an IELTS Examiner
Jishan Uddin in 1990 and examined regularly in Colombo
and Male, Maldives for almost 20 years. She
Jishan has been an EFL teacher since 2001. worked as the IELTS Examiner Trainer for Sri
He has taught on a range of courses in the UK Lanka, recruiting, training and monitoring
and Spain, including general English, exam examiners. She then moved into training and
preparation and English for Academic school leadership, serving as Teacher Trainer
Purposes (EAP) courses and is currently an and Principal at various international
EAP lecturer and academic module leader schools. She returned to the UK in 2013 and
at King's College, London. He has extensive worked for Middlesex University, where she
experience teaching /EL TS preparation started her materials writing career. She is
classes to students from around the world, currently a Visiting Lecturer at Westminster
particularly China, the Middle East and University, which allows her time to write.
Kazakhstan. He also has experience in She has·a PhD in Applied Linguistics and
designing resources for language skills English Language Teaching from the
development as well as exam preparation University of Warwick.
and administration.