Page 60 - American English File Student Book 3A_Neat
P. 60


           1  A  D E S C R IP TIO N  O F A  PERSON                                       b  The computer has found fiyejjjjeJfilig,
                                                                                            J33j^taisA§. it1 Sofia’s email. Can you
           a  Read the two Facebook messages once and answer the questions.                 correct them?

               1  Why has Angela written to Sofia?
                                                                                         c  Read both emails again. Then cover them
               2  Does Sofia recommend her friend to Angela?
                                                                                            and answer the questions from memory.
                                                                                             1  What five EE adjectives describe Marisol’s
             & Messages                                                                        personality?

                                                                                            2  What does she like doing in her free time?
                        Angela Vernon                                                       3  What negative things does Sofia say about
                        Hi Sofia,                                                              Marisol?
                        I  hope you're well.                                                4  Does Sofia think Marisol will get along
                                                                                               with Angela’s family?
                        I'm looking for an au pair to look after Austin and Melissa,
                        and I remembered your Peruvian friend Marisol, who I met         d  Look at the highlighted expressions we use
                        last summer. She said she might be interested in working            to modify adjectives. Put them in the correct
                        in the US as an au pair, so I thought I would write and ask         place in the chart.
                        her. The thing is, I don't really know her, so before I write
                        and suggest it, could you tell me a little about her (age,
                        personality, etc., and what she likes doing) so that I can see
                        if she would fit in with the family? Please be honest!
                                                                                             Marisol is      very.         forgetful.

                        Sofia Lugo
                                                                                         P Useful language: describing a person
                        Hi Angela,
                                                                                              He’s really/ very, etc. + positive adjective
                        Marisol is one of my best friends, so of course I know her very       (e.g., friendly, outgoing, etc.)
                        well. She's 22, and she just graduated from college with a            She's a little + negative adjective (e.g., messy,
                        degree in economics, but she doesn't have a job yet, and I'm          shy, etc.)
                        sure she would be jQt£jr££t£d in going to the US. Her parents         He likes/ loves/ doesn't mind + verb + -ing
                        are both doctors, and she has two younger brothers. She gets          She's happy to + base form
                        along very well with them, and they are a very close family.          He’s good j with children
                                                                                                         at making new friends
                        Marisol's an intelligent girl and very hardworking. She can
                        be really shy at first, but when she gets to know you she's
                        incredibly friendly. She loves children - she often takes care   e  Imagine you received Angela’s message asking
                        of her brothers - so she has a lot of experience, and she's         about a friend of yours. W rite an email to
                        also very l^spf)rj$ahje.                                            answer it. Plan what you’re going to write

                        In her free time she likes going to the movies, listening to        using the paragraph headings below. Use
                        music, and she's also very good atfoiogj^ghy-she always             the Useful language box and Vocabulary
                        has her camera with her. She's really jcicl^p^ru^Qt and happy       Bank Personality p. 153 to help you.
                        to do things on her own, so you won't have to worry about
                                                                                             Paragraph 1    age, family, work / study
                        taking her to places.
                                                                                             Paragraph 2    personality (good side)
                        The only problem with Marisol is that she's a little fQrggtfulL
                        she sometimes loses things, like her keys, or her phone.             Paragraph 3    hobbies and interests
                        Also, to be honest her English isn't great, but I'm sure she'll
                                                                                             Paragraph 4    any negative things?
                        improve very quickly. I think Austin and Melissa will love her.
                        I  hope this helps! Let me know if you need anything else.       f   Check your email for mistakes (grammar,

                        Love,                                                               vocabulary, punctuation, and spelling).
                                                                                         < p . U
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