Page 11 - Step by step listening 2_Neat
P. 11

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                 A. Listening Practice I                     .,@iJ
                                                              ffi@k 6

                   1. Listen and choose the best answer.

                      1) How is the weather  today?

                         a. lt's sunny and cloudy.                     b. lt's sunny and windy.

                         e. lt's sunny and hot.                        d. lt's cloudy and windy.

                      2) What is the man going to take tomorrow?

                         a. sunglasses         b, an umbrella          c. a raincoat          d. rain boots

                      3) What season  do you think the speakers  are talking about?

                         a" spring             fu, summer              e" spring              d, winter

                 B, Listening Practice 2                      ''%*,

                   1. Listen and check the correct  picture.

                      1)                                            2)

                      3)                                            4)

                                                                                              How is the Weather?  Sp
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