Page 37 - Step by step listening 2_Neat
P. 37
1. Practice the dialog below.
rft,: What do you do in your free time?
ffir I listen to music in my free time.
,&,; What does your family like to
do in their free time?
SB: My dad likes to watch
television. My mom likes
to read. My brother likes
to play with the cat.
2. Now ask and answer with your friend about your free time.
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1. Listen to the first dialog again and fill in the blanks. ffi@k 30
$$?*'**lqr What are you two ?
.i *: { i,;r We're bingo.
,"$1";r$y Do you want to us?
-,%t*q"rm:t I really want to, but I have to my and
my*$lq,l You have a ?Canl you
your ?
#l"*dy' Me too!
:it;c+uc+rr Sure. You just have to wait until I my
,jr_iit;rr 5 ;il,:i:; Okay.
What Do You Do in Your free fime? &