Page 97 - Step by step listening 2_Neat
P. 97

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                   1. Practice the dialog below.

                      ;:i,; !\/[sps would you like to go for a holiday?

                      r::,: I would like to go to ltaly for a holiday.

                         What would you like to do there?

                      l!,'i  I would like to ealpizza  and pasta.
                         I would like to see the Leaning

                         Tower of Pisa.

                      ii, What things will you take there?

                      i.i, I will take my camera  and my book.

                   2. Now ask and answer with your
                      friend about where you would like to go for a holiday.

                                                                                       la   i*

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                   1. Listen to the first dialog again and fill in the blanks.             ffi@k 38

                      ,-1,,.'.',  Okay guys! This                  , we are                      to go to

                                Switzerland  to

                                We have to                    our

                                I am going to                    my                                         and


                                Ok, Maria. Put them in the                    . What about you, Jody?

                                I want to take my                                  .Canl

                                my                                         too?

                                No! You can't take your                       to Switzerland.

                                                                                                Going on Holidays
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