Page 111 - bt Tieng Anh 8 Bui Van Vinh
P. 111

               7.  What does the word “this” refer to in paragraph 1?

                   A. endangered species that are increasing
                   B. Bengal tigers that are decreasing

                   C. poachers who seek personal gratification
                   D. sources that may not be accurate
               8.  Which of the following could best replace the word “allocated’‟ in paragraph 2?

                   A. set aside          B. combined          C. organized          D. taken off
               9.  The word “defray” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to which of the following?
                   A. lower                                   B. raise

                   C. make a payment on                       D. make an investment toward
               10. The author uses the phrase “stem the tide” in paragraph  2 to mean
                   A. touch              B. stop              C. tax                D. save

               11. Which of the following best describes the author‟s attitude?
                   A. forgiving          B. concerned         C. vindictive         D. surprised

               III. Fill in each blank with ONE suitable word.
                                                 EL NINO AND LA NINA

                   The tropical Pacific Ocean (1)                  a warming and cooling cycle. This cycle (2)
                               a completely natural event and usually (3)               every  three  to  seven
                   When the waters become (4)                     , it is called El Nino, and when they become
               cooler it is called La Nina. During the cycle, the (5)            of  the  ocean  can  change  by
               around 3 C between the warmest and coolest times.
                   (6)                of the South American coast have known about this (7)            event
               for hundreds of years. When it (8)                 , they see a huge fall in the numbers of fish
               caught. (9)                   scientists are only just beginning to (10)                how
               the event affects Earth‟s weather and climate.

               D. WRITING
               I. Rewrite the sentences

               1.  David had gone home before we arrived.
                 After  .......................................................................................................................................
               2.  We had lunch then we took a look around the shops.

                 Before  ....................................................................................................................................
               3.  The light had gone out before we got out of the office.
                 When ......................................................................................................................................

               4.  After she had explained everything dearly, we started our work.
                 By the time  .............................................................................................................................

               5.  My father had watered all the plants in the garden by the time my mother came home.
                 Before  ....................................................................................................................................

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